Badass snowage the past few days. It started Saturday, right after we'd switched to winter tyres (yes!), and now there's probably two or three decimeters covering everything, with large soft flakes drifting deceptively prettily from the sky. The news mention "storm" a lot.
Classmates arranged a walk in the park, and I said "Y'all are crazy and I'm staying home, but do take photos when you shove Boris into a snowpile." Sort of.
The Monster pulled his cassette player down from the confines of his cupboard, and I'm playing through all my old tapes. I miss making and decorating mix tapes, both for myself and for other people. It's somehow much more satisfying than CDs, though CDs are easier. Maybe because CDs are easier. I don't like it when things are easy. POINT IN FACT*: do I wipe the floors when the water's working as it should, or when the hot water's turned off for maintenance and I have to boil water and pour it into a bowl? Anyone who guessed for the former is obviously new here.
Things I want:
- Enough candles to set my apartment on fire (not that I would, I just want the option, if I felt like it).
- Transformers Armada on morning TV.
- Snow through the Christmas/New Year holidays.
- Ridiculous sparkly Christmas stuff. Because it makes me happy.
*I have not forgotten that this phrase does not exist. I still don't care.