(no subject)

Jul 29, 2009 07:22

I graduated from UT over a year ago, but due to the fact that I had to take an emergency loan out and I haven’t had the income to pay the balance on the loan, I don’t technically have a degree. Not technically having a degree hasn’t been a major deal save for the fact that it has kept me from getting a couple of well paying jobs when they wanted to see official transcripts (which UT will also not give me) or a copy of my diploma.

I’ve worked shitty coffee shop jobs for the past few years and I’m tired of eking out a meager income to pay for rent and bills and maybe some Lone Stars when/if I go out. Some folks I know bitch about not having money, but they make twice or thrice what I make so I cant understand their fiscal problems. Some of these friends are people who didn’t even go to the Uni, so their debt comes from unnecessary purchases like new cars and iPhones. I got into a rather heated conversation with one such friend about healthcare, and now that she has a well paying job with benefits, doesn’t think that the everyman deserves the same privilege that has been bestowed upon her by the benevolent Apple company.

Without insurance, my medications cost 436 dollars a month, and if it were not for a lot of leg work for my doctor and filling out form after form after form for GlaxoSmithKline I would still have to pay that price. I don’t want to get into the whole healthcare debate because I genuinely hate political discourse, but I hate how everything has to be for profit for corporations in this country. Greed has led us to the current financial crisis and the greed of doctors and insurance companies denies benefits for people who are not elderly or Penner. The other side cites socialised medicine makes you wait for certain procedures, but at least you are getting them. Waiting for things here because you lack coverage means that you are waiting and waiting and waiting until you cough up the dough.

Back to the main point is a lack of lacking money. I’m about to move to Pennsylvania and I thought that I would be able to see my brother since he has recently moved back to Texas, but due to certain technicalities I wont be able to. I wish that I could say that I would be able to fly back during Christmas to spend time with my family. But without a job that pays even a bit more than the 12 or 13k I made in a year working a shit job, I don’t even think if that is feasible.

Who knows, maybe I’ll find a decent paying job in Pennsylvania. But barring that I’ll be spending the holidays around my Swanson dinners and Charley Brown Christmas tree.
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