the countdown continues

Mar 25, 2020 21:43

We only go on lockdown from Friday -- I couldn't work out why they were giving us so much warning but hearing everything they're having to put in place with very little money/infrastructure explains a few things. The build up is interesting though. For example...

Today two groups of South Africans had their hearts crushed. In the morning the Minister of Health said he had heard there was concern about people being allowed to walk their dogs but he saw no problem with this. BUT in the afternoon the Minister of Police said: 'There will be no walking of the dogs. The dog, you will walk around the house' (it's better if you can hear the voice and accent - being Bheki he said it fiercely). That's the first group. The second (larger) group, which includes a decent part of the first group, were then informed that there will be no sales anywhere, at all, of alcohol during lockdown. Furthermore, anyone caught trying to transport alcohol from point A to point B in their car would be arrested.

I am laughing and laughing (not least at the look of disbelief on Husband's face when I told him).

The pressure will be off the supermarkets tomorrow as people work out they will be able to get toilet paper/milk on Friday but the beer will be out of reach for at least 3 weeks (more likely 6 weeks everyone reckons).

[posted from DW, comments welcome either side]


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