Questions Meme

Aug 17, 2007 17:34

1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, or your favorite kind of sandwich, maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions.

I would like to add that if you aren't on my friends list, please comment with a link to your post once you do the meme.

Questions from

1. What is your favorite historical novel?
In purely historical, I'd say Empress Orchid by Anchee Min. If historical fantasy counts, then Lord of Emperors by Guy Gavriel Kay (also my favorite book ever).

2. What is one of the best things about Achaea?
The people! Seriously, I love how I can meet people from all over the world who I'd never have known otherwise, from Australia to nearby Pennsylvania. The social aspect is what keeps me playing.

3. Zoo or aquarium?
Er, neither? XD Not into animals much. If I have to answer though, I'd say zoo because they have pandas.

4. What is the neatest thing about Chinese?
Assuming you mean Mandarin: the verbs. No conjugation, and tenses are ridiculously easy.

5. Best food on a summer evening?


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