The Lions of Al-Rassan, by Guy Gavriel Kay (reread)

Jan 10, 2009 22:00

The Lions of Al-Rassan
by Guy Gavriel Kay
527 pages (paperback)
Genre: Fiction/Fantasy/Historical

My second reread of the year, for Yuletide this time--I was assigned to write a full-length in the fandom, and I ended up tossing out an eleventh-hour drabble as well. It is, I think, one of those books that improves every time you read it. I think I kind of understand the blue wine and Ammar's poem for Badir; at least, I understand it more than I did at the beginning of the year. Also, I am so requesting Ramiro/Ines for Yuletide next year; their introductory scene remains one of my favorites, right up there with the climax combat. I've also new appreciation for irony and character foils, Kay's themes of love and faith--maybe I'll post the critical analysis essay I wrote on it later, after sticky plagiarism paranoia passes.

Finally: poetry makes me happy. I want to buy A Song for Arbonne now, which IIRC involves music, also happy-making.

I'm behind on book reviews, so this is the last of 2008 and coincidentally the 70th book.

book reviews 2008

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