I forced myself to eat brunch this morning before reading Yuletide, and oh, my gift was absolutely gorgeous and wonderful and perfect. Brandin/Dianora from Guy Gavriel Kay's Tigana, a pairing that I adore and that can never have a happy ending--but this is a plausible "missing scene" and oh, just go read it. I can't wait for the author reveal, because the prose as well as the characterization is such a beautiful homage to Kay--
A Path in A Garden.
This post will be updated with recs as I read through the archive. Cheers and happy Yuletide, everyone!
* Ellen Kushner's Swordspoint series:
An Anatomy of the World (PG-13) and
I Corinthians 13 (R) are both true characterizations of Alec and Richard, the latter with a poetic quality due to its structure.
* Megan Whalen Turner's The Thief series:
Euripides Lyaeus (G).
* Terry Pratchett's Discworld series:
Ho ho ho (G), a short and spot-on hilarious flashfic about assassins, presents, and Vetinari.
* Via
rachelmanija, a Chaucer fic of all things:
The Seconde Tale of the Wyf of Bath, which fittingly synthesizes the spirit of both Chaucer and Yuletide.
* Via
glass_icarus, a Wild Adapter fic that portrays Tokito and Kubota in a moment between canon:
The Here And The Now (R). Also
Weight (R).
* Via
rachelmanija, a Tamora Pierce Circle of Magic fic with--gasp--an OC! I am kind of rabidly against OC fics, but this one works so well thematically:
The Greatest Potter in Emelan.
* Via
minnow212, two Discworld fics:
The Uninvited Guest about Death's family (with a dash of Weatherwax), and a long and wonderfully plotty novelette called,
Queen of the Cats.
* Also via
minnow212, from a fandom I never thought I'd recommend--the Bible's Old Testament--a touching set of vignettes about Miriam who suffered of tsara and whom I owe, ironically, all knowledge of to Leslie What:
Seven Days.