Sex as a Second Language, by Alisa Kwitney

Jul 09, 2008 11:32

Sex as a Second Language
by Alisa Kwitney
327 pages (hardcover)
Genre: Fiction/Romance

As a rule, I do not read contemporary romances. I find them easily outdated and boring because I'm not much interested in the contemporary world, and usually the characters can't carry the book by themselves. This was an exception; and ironically, Neil Gaiman gave a cover blurb that I didn't notice until after I checked it out from the library. (Buying a contemporary romance unread is so not happening.) On the shelf, the amusing title caught my eye, and I flipped it open briefly to the middle. When I found that I'd sat there for ten minutes reading, I knew I had to give Kwitney a chance.

And I'm glad I did. The story starts out a little slowly--I'm interested in Kat, not her two best friends--but becomes compelling as soon as Magnus walks in. Kat and Magnus are both flawed yet attractive. Divorced and jaded single actress mom (turning forty!) + divorced and jaded Icelandic CIA agent = a truly unique romance. Kwitney isn't afraid of portraying her unique heroine (the older hero is perhaps more common) and I found Kat's everyday struggles poignantly realistic. The plot is nothing special, a typical romance line with a Misunderstanding (although plausible) and some questionable points (why couldn't Magnus just talk to Ken Miner on the phone?), but the characters truly distinguish this book from the rest of the genre.

Also, there isn't nearly as much sex as I've found in other romances, the title notwithstanding. A refreshing and surprising change.

author: kwitney alisa, genre: romance, book reviews 2008

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