Apr 12, 2008 18:19
The Crimson Petal and the White
by Michael Faber
895 pages (trade paperback)
Genre: Fiction/Historical
When I began reading this epic-length novel, I was under the impression that it was political. Not political fantasy, but certainly political historical fiction. It isn't--no, this novel is about Society in every meaning. I was intimidated by the length at first and the story takes a while to really become fascinating, so unfortunately I only got to page 272 before it was due at the library. But I might well buy it for my summer China trip, since it's the perfect 13-hour-plane-ride book. The narrative begins as boldly second-person and generally maintains that persona, although it gradually disappears into the woodwork for much of the novel's (huge) middle.
Even unfinished, I would tentatively rec The Crimson Petal and the White to fans of historical fiction set in Britain/western Europe. Its London is extremely well-realized and immersive.
author: faber michael,
genre: historical,
book reviews 2008