Yuletide 2007 story recs

Jan 01, 2008 15:41

Most of these--and all the ones by people I know, except for "The Last Siren's Song"--were bookmarked before the author reveal. I'm amazed by all the amazing writers on my flist! Stories are alphabetized by fandom. Those marked with a star are suitable even for those with no prior knowledge of the fandom.

*The Game in the Garden
for: Kikoujutsuka
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Angel Sanctuary (anime or manga)
Ironically, I bookmarked this one just hours before the author reveal, after accidentally clicking on the Angel Sanctuary link. I've read some of the manga and remember a little bit, but prior knowledge isn't necessary; the language, just by itself, is a pleasure.
"Every time Lucifer visits that cloistered garden, they have to begin the great game again. Today he steps over the bodies of birds broken by their own convulsions and Alexiel's hands, steps over leaves with their edges curled up in a silent cry. His wings barely trail the ground, leaving curving strokes in the dirt and grass. The marks are in the language of angels, spelling out anagrammed blessings and curses. This is not usual, but then, this is not a usual place."

Love Story
by: Nope
for: Ryuutchi
Rating: PG
Fandom: Eoin Colfer - Artemis Fowl series
The author summary tells it all: "The epic tale(s) of the genius and his bodyguard." With an ending that made me laugh despite the weird-to-me pairing.
"A particularly suspicious person might ask Artemis what would prompt three women who didn't usually get on all that well to be together in a kitchen, or why that particular topic of conversation would come up, or why the kitchen would have surveillance devices, or how the security systems would happen to develop a fault at just the right moment, all in a rather conveniently coincidental way. The wouldn't get an answer, though. Artemis was busy and, besides, a magician -- and a Fowl -- never revealed his secrets."

*After Silence
by: Truth
for: Baranduin
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Fairy Tales (trad)
An eerie, macabre retelling of The Twelve Princesses, expertly weaving the mythic through an extended musical metaphor. The ending, especially, is bittersweet and perfect.

The Last Siren's Song
for: Ria
Rating: PG
Fandom: Gankutsuou aka The Count of Monte Cristo
I haven't seen this anime but I have read the original novel (in unabridged translation) and seen two film versions. It was interesting to note the differences, mainly in the character of Gankutsuou and the death of Edmond (not sure if the latter is canon, exactly). Mercedes, on the other hand, is wonderful and true.

The Truth of Others
by: athousandwinds
for: prodigy
Rating: PG
Fandom: George RR Martin - A Song of Ice and Fire series
Short treat about Rhaegar and Lyanna, and truths.
"This is the truth that no one believes any more. Maybe it's the only one that is true; no one will ever know. You decide."

*A Heaven of Blackbirds
by: tree
for: Aspen
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Guy Gavriel Kay - The Fionavar Tapestry
A lovely story, divided into poetic sections, about Jaelle. I'm marking it with a star because although I've read all of GGK's works, I don't remember much from his first trilogy (nor did I adore it the way I adore his other novels) and this nevertheless resonated gorgeously. The language is reminiscent of canon style, a great feat indeed.

Naamah's Token
by: Kali
for: Artaxastra
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Jacqueline Carey - The Kushiels Legacy series
A story about Phedre and Nicola. I've always loved their interactions in canon, and this slots in as a seamless aside. The first paragraph, a gentle telling of religious lore, is perfect and undistinguishable from canon.
"I heard the tale told once in Cereus House where I spent my childhood, of how proud Azza and cruel Kushiel wagered a province between them for a night spent in Naamah's arms. Azza, whose sin the Yeshuites say was overweening arrogance, lost the toss, and Kushiel was to exact his winnings, as was his right. But then, or so the tale goes, Naamah's softness which could not bear to see Azza's pride laid low would still have leavened Kushiel's pitiless victory with her tears. Yet did Azza turn away in rage so that now instead the matter lies ever betwixt them."

*and never without sacrifice
by: prozacpark
for: Artemis_Falling
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Mythology - Greek and Roman
Slow and subtle, an original tale about Artemis and Apollo.
"Blood is what binds them, first and foremost."

*The Journey West
by: Oyce (
for: st_aurafina
Rating: G
Fandom: Neil Gaiman - American Gods
I'm not familiar at all with the fandom, but this short treat is easily read as original fic. The language is absolutely gorgeous, lyrical not so much in words but in images.
"Listen, and I will tell you how Monkey comes to America."

for: Edo no Hana
Rating: PG
Fandom: Onmyoji (manga or movie)
Another unfamiliar fandom, another unexpected lovelie. The pillow-book excerpts reveal much, especially on second read.

Special Favor
by: Sister Coyote
for: Isabeau
Rating: G
Fandom: Steven Brust - Dragaeran Universe
Delightful interaction between Empress Norathar and Morrolan.

by: Wasuremono
for: Lina
Rating: G
Fandom: Terry Pratchett - Discworld
I haven't read any of the books specifically about Death, but he's one of my favorite characters. Death, Mort, Ysabell, and Susan seem to be very popular characters for ficlets. This is a short treat with gleefully funny characterization.
"Death was not used to having no dominion."

Blue Screen of Death
by: numinicious
for: Lina
Rating: G
Fandom: Terry Pratchett - Discworld
In the Unseen University High Energy Magic building, Ponder Stibbons repairs a curious machine called Hex. Meanwhile, Death pays a visit.

Not A Cat Person
by: googlebrat
for: Caro Dee
Rating: G
Fandom:  Terry Pratchett - Discworld
Set after Wintersmith, wherein Tiffany gives Granny Weatherwax a kitten, and conversion ensues. Short and adorable.

*The Birthday of Eternity
by: Panjianlien
for: Lina
Rating: G
Fandom: Terry Pratchett - Discworld
What happens when Death attempts to collect Granny Weatherwax? This.
"The first time Death had called on Granny Weatherwax, she had stared him down and shamed him out of her bedroom. The second time he'd called on her, he had tried a more polite approach, going to her door and knocking. "You again?" Granny Weatherwax had spat. "I told you before, I know what you're up to and I want nothing to do with it!" Then she slammed the door in his stunned and silent face."

Personally, I wrote one full-length story and received one full-length story. My gift fic was Be My Signale, a lovely (NC-17, which is true to canon) story about Phedre, Joscelin, and Melisande. If you're at all familiar with Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series, go forth and savor!

And my story? A Meeting of Minds, in the Howl's Moving Castle (book) fandom. It's short and rough, as the rough draft was finished about four hours before deadline; and plotless, needless to say. But it's also my second piece of fanfic ever--I swore off it after my first disaster/writing attempt--and the recipient liked it. Isn't that why Yuletide exists, anyway? To give to others.

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