Educate the People

May 11, 2011 20:50

This has been a long argument, The Republic of the Philippines continues to be in the midst of deciding whether or not The Reproductive Health Bill No. 5043 should be passed in the House of Representative - Lower House [Congress]. This bill stirred the minds of those concerned; The Church and The Government and The People [Anti and Pro].

Filipinos in this issue could be divided into three(3):
1. Pious Filipinos basically oppose such bill to be passed, with the argument that it promotes "abortion" (I don't agree with that too).
2. Forward Filipinos who argue that this would help in controlling the now inflating population, by educating and providing contraception (I agree with this but not entirely).
3. Unconcerned. Because this is not an issue anymore - bill passed or not, corruption is whats eating this country.

RH Bill 5043 HERE [to those who has no idea what's going on]

My stand with the issue.
Basically, I disagree when it comes to the prevention of life (abortion) because "It's a Life not a Choice". I'm a catholic but that's not the reason why for the disagreement, I am more of take-on the responsibility of your own action: If you have to jump on that bed with someone make sure you are prepared for any future circumstances; you choose to sleep in bed then be responsible. I'm not as pious as other catholics out there; I did miss mass but that doesn't mean morality and spirituality will not be taken into account when making decisions in life; haven't memories the verse of the Bible also but I keep myself aware of HIS teachings. 
Okay, I may sound hypocrite when I might contradict what is stated above, but when it comes to the issue of the over-population I might agree. To that extent only. Come-on there are a lot of Filipinos below poverty line; no means of income; no food to eat; incapability of sending their own children to school), and the numbers are soaring by the minute, even seconds. So maybe the government has no other option other than this. Yet, when they say that over-population causes economy down the drain, then they can take RH Bill and shove it in their ass [pardon the language]. As I've said what's eating the Philippines is a non-conscientious corruption of the very people who have sworn to improve the country during election period.
That said, with all contradictions, these issues should be taken to an account first:
1. Maybe revising should be one; loop holes are so evident in that bill that do not meet the standard of morality of the Filipino people - the idea is very western and that's the reason Filipinos are having difficulty accepting what is proposed.
2. Educate the people first with regards to this matter. Because one ignorant civilian takes everything tumbling down.
3. Fight corruption first, Mr. President.
4. Isn't plea bargain agreement more of an issue rather than whether or not condoms must be provided.
5. Hello Garci 2006 election and ZTE scam are still left unsolved. Attention should be focused on those before anything else.


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