So, the dinner with the boy's family is this weekend on Saturday night. I hear that his daddy is going to take us to an expensive steakhouse over in LA..where the meat is so good that it basically melts in your mouth (that sounds so cliche :P) Tis nothing to be worried about, I guess..boy assures me by telling me that he wants me there, but I'm like, "Steakhouse? Expensive, what?! Wait, but meat?? Oh, manners? Wait, good wine?! ...temptation"
Yeah, so for me to have fun over the weekend, I am working my ass off now. I have finished two reading assignments and worked on my research paper last night from 10pm-1:30am. Does anyone have time to read my paper and blotch it with red marks?? It's only 15 bloody pages?? :x
Also, I have had a lot of people sign his birthday card! I am waiting for about three more people?? Man, this whole maneuver is so much fun XD
I am so exhausted.
I ate a veggie delight on whole wheat.
I wasn't planning on eating that, but
6 grams of fat shan't hurts me too much :3