Nov 05, 2009 19:56

WOW LJ I AM SO SORRY, YOU'VE BEEN NEGLECTED, BOOOOOO!! I haven't been very good at gathering my thoughts lately. Twitter's been a better outlet, surely. But so much has been going on lately, you deserve an update!

so my last entry was the follow up to the photoshoot I had. So far, Alain has only one photo up but it's lovely. I love good photographers, for once I don't hate how I look in a cosplay. in fact, I love it. check it out:

Axis Powers Hetalia by *idolatrystudios on deviantART

Following the shoot, bisouspapillion and I filmed some of our videos for the APHWC's genderbend together. CHECKIT:

image Click to view

so the weekend after the shoot, we had our local Hetalia Day celebration! Technically it was UN day, but what better excuse for a bunch of Hetalia nerds to get together in a park? Brief little recount of that here in hetalia: clicky!. and there are some photos up in Izzy's photobucket. I have just one word:


and that's it for Hetalia for the time being ♥

Following those festivities we went and wished Jake a stinky birthday. HAPPY STINKY BIRTHDAY, JAKE! and then the next weekend was Halloween. Somewhere between all this, there was epic blizzard snow-in. That was fun. sortof. /hermit

I was Flapjack with last minute ghetto paper hat. go me! Partied a bit and JakeandJules's, going home at 1am since I was the only sober one there and had work the next day. I, being the genius I am, took a turn ramp a little quick and OF COURSE got pulled over. The officer took one whif/look at me and was like "wow you actually haven't been drinking. well see ya later!" and I was on my merry way home. Hope everyone else had a good holiday?

Aside from all the fun in my life, I've also been coming to grips with the cold hard reality of living away from my parents in the past couple weeks. It's quickly dawned on me that I have little to no money, especially once I buy a car (which is very soon. The moment I pick one out, likely this weekend, it's mine and I'm officially broke). Roommate situation has Beth and I spending a lot more to stay where we are, and the threat of expensive insurance lies on the horizon. I've been having a hard time keeping myself fed and an even harder time justifying the amount of money I spend on my hobbies. I'm asking for plane tickets to my respective 2010 cons (Katsucon, Fanime) from my family as Christmas/birthday gifts, since really I don't need any gifty things these days (I'm up to my ears in videogames and such), and I would be extremely heartbroken if I couldn't make it to these conventions, y'know? I've started doing commissions at my Deviantart in hopes of raising a little bit of extra money on the side to.. you know, feed myself.

The good news is that I'm getting more hours at work through the end of the year, since I have good numbers, my Manager is aware of my plight, and we have huge game releases/holiday shoppers on their way. So things can only get better from here and I'm trying to stay optimistic! I gotta learn to cut back on my splurging so I can afford to still keep myself happy ♥!

Ontop of all this, though, I've been feeling more alone than ever. I've noticed a rash of loneliness these days. There must be something in the air (no, not H1N1), that's making everyone want someone else to hold and be happy with. Weird, isn't it? Honestly I don't know that I'm ever the type who could ever be good at a dating situation, but having someone to give affection and get that affection in return...? it's sounding real appealing. At the very least, having someone to care about would give my self-esteem a much needed boost. These days I feel like an unwanted little hermit half the time! ahaha.

HOPEFULLY by the next entry, I'll have a car of my very own, and more fun times to report!


p.s.-oh god my vital regions, stop that, Russia

tl;dr, personal, fandom, shut up already, cosplay, youtube, photo

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