Jan 09, 2006 00:27
Stolen from a few people, actually!
1. What is your character's name?
Mikori Kodora.
2. What kind of character is it (furry, anime, etc) and any particular race?
Anthropomorphic cheetah.
3. What is the first thing your character would think when he/she first wakes up?
Gotta feed the horses...
4. Your character's favorite outfit would be?
Mikori likes things simple but sweet. A pair of tight black spandex shorts, and a loose white tanktop.
5. When your character looks into a mirror, what's the first thing they would notice?
His hair. He's very proud of it.
6. Does your character have the same tastes in food as you?
Unfortunately, no. Mikori's very much into healthy foods, in general. He also likes raw meat from a fresh kill. Some people will probably be surprised by that.
7. How is your character similar to you?
There are certain similarities. Obviously, he and I have similar sexual interests. When people ask Mikori what he likes to do for fun, I'll usually answer with at least some of the things I like to do (rock climbing, for example). He's also very outgoing, which I tend to be.
8. How is he/she different?
Aside from the obvious physical differences, Mikori is several years younger than I am. He's got some unusual psychic abilities (in certain roleplays, at least). He's also a good deal more promiscuous. He leads an entirely different life. So, in quite a few ways.
9. If your character could speak, would he/she have the same voice as you?
No. Mikori's got sort of a high, girlish tenor thing going on. I'm all over the range of baritone, from high to low.
10. If you were you suddenly become your character, what do you think would be the first thing you would do as him/her?
Float something with my mind.
11. Is there something about your character that you don't like how others think of him?
Mikori has the reputation on Tapestries of being a slut who will sleep with anyone. It's actually (really) not true. While most of the people reading this have probably done a sexual scene with him at one point or another, think of how many people around the Lining there are who totally aren't worth the time. ^^;
12. What advantages does your character have over you?
The whole floaty-mind thing. He's fast and a lot stronger and leaner than I am. He's also a genius, whose guardians are extremely rich and keep him on a loose leash. He's got it pretty good!
13. What disadvantages?
Being a teenager, I try to play Mikori as being fairly naive, occasionally too trusting and generous. He's had people use it against him before.
14. Do you have any secrets relating to your character that only you know?
15. Do you have any secret drawings only you know about?
I have drawings I've done of him, but they aren't really secret. I just don't usually show them around.
16. Do you have any plans for your character or are you working on something big relating to him/her?
I have a few concepts for where I'd like him to go, but nothing too specific.
17. What misconception(s), if any, do people have about your character?
That he's a total slut who'll sleep with anyone. He's actually much more selective, as I said. They have to at least be hot, and not have speech impediments (i.e., be unable to spell. :)
18. If you could have just ONE characteristic from your character, what would it be?
Hmmm. The girlish figure.
19. Have you made any characters that go along with yours, based on real-life people, that have the same relationship with your character as you with the real-life person?
20. Have you written any stories about your character?
*EDIT* Now that someone's reminded me about my own story, yes. And other people have, too. :)
21. How has your character changed since his/her first creation?
He was originally intended merely to be an occasionally played student character to who was, at the time, my primary character. And totally non-sexual, too. I'm impressed that he managed to stay a virgin, on Tapestries, for six whole months.