Crappity Crap Crap

Jun 30, 2005 14:05

God so much crap at home. Mom is being stupid again. Mom and Dad aren't really speaking to one another. Jeff is content with the upgrades I bought for him, so his computer runs as good if not better than my own...speaking of which, one of these days when i get back to SB i need to transfer my system into that huge-ass case that's been sitting in my closet for a while. After the fiasco that followed my inept-ness/stupidity that cost me $70 in labor fees to get jeff's comp running (oh Pete, if you read this before I forget, his bios version is ASUS ver 1010.some-number-i-can't-remember-right-now) and secured properly. Oh well.

This came up in a dream the other night, but i think i'll be creative and put it in a narrative-pseudo-film-noir-fashion:

" you have to go...stay for a while, I'll make it all right..." She whispered into my ear as her body covered in sweat laid on top of mine. However, I was tired, so perhaps I would take her up on her offer. My cell phone had rung minutes before, as she snuggled up against me, her chest slowly moving in short breaths. Guess I did a good job, she's sleeping like a baby. I answered the phone, it was my boss, Vincent.
"Hey, we got a job for you. Mario Vercetti." Vincent was always straight to the point.
"Geezus Christ, Vinnie. It's like 3 A.M." I managed to reply back due to my post-sex-grogginess.
"Think I give a fuck? Get your ass in gear down to the docks. He's down there waiting for something to come in."
"Like what?"
"I don't know, I don't care. The contract just came in with bonus for a rush job. I intend to get paid that extra ten grand, so you're ass better be down there five minutes ago!" With that, I can hear him slam the receiver on his end. "Shit." I mumbled as I got up and put on pants and a shirt. As I reached for my coat, I leaned over my fave little downtown hooker and kissed her forehead. Jolie was what she went by, was always waiting for me to get off 'work'. She never failed to please me, and I'm sure I never failed to please her, otherwise I probably would have gotten my nuts bashed in. She always was a tough girl, street smart too. Didn't take shit from anyone, not even me. If I wasn't doing something right, she wouldn't hesitate to flip me on my ass and knock some sense me. I love aggressive women.
"Sorry babe, I gotta go. Duty calls."
"Alright, try not to get yourself killed this time."
I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll try." I grabbed my rifle bag from the closet, and left my apartment quietly.
The docks were on the other side of town, about an hour away. Since I drove like a madman in the wee hours of the morning, it only took me half the time. Mario Vercetti was local mafia head. Nothing happened in little sicily that he didn't know about. He had eyes and ears everywhere, and controlled almost everything in the downtown market district. It's no surprise anyone would want his head on a silver platter, he's made many enemies in his rise to power. But it is not my job to question, just to do as told.
I parked my car in a park n' ride outside the barbed wire fencing that surrounded the docks, a few feet away was a hill covered in thick bushes that overlooked the docks. I moved there and set up my sniping point. Sure enough, Vinnie's intel was right. Mario was waiting for something at the docks, there he was with a full armed guard and escort. A ship was coming in, so I had to make my hit fast. The more people, the more eyes that will be watching for any potential threats. Besides, I always hated crowded venues. I set my sights on Mario's head and fired. I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning. Lucky for me he was standing still, unlucky for me that the recoil from the rifle shook the bushes. With Mario's inner most thoughts splattered all over the docks, I felt that I've overstayed my welcome. I hopped in my car and sped away with my lights off. As I left the wharf district, I turned my lights back on and noticed a pig hidden in the shade of some trees. I had an idea for cover, since those mafia thugs are probably scattering to find my sorry ass. Gunned to death, or speeding ticket. Gee, I wonder which I would take. So I floored it. Sure enough, I caught the cop's attention and he trailed me, lights fully blazing. I pulled a quick u-turn and pulled over, probably puzzling the officer. At least this way it'd look like I was going the other direction. I gave the officer a phony excuse about being tired from working late and speeding up so I don't fall asleep at the wheel. When he asked about the sudden u-turn, I replied that I was going the wrong way, so if i was going to get the ticket anyway, I might as well be facing the correct way home. He bought it. As I sat there, I noticed one of the mafia cars roll by slowly, then speed off. I hope they bought it. Again, lucky me for this being my first offense in years. Slapped me a ticket and a warning. After the cop left, I went back to my apartment, hopefully Jolie still there.

It was about 2 in the afternoon when I woke up. " it still morning, why am i awake..." I mumbled.
My phone started ringing again. "Ah hell, it's Vinnie." I answered the phone. "What the hell do you want now."
"Geezus fuckin' christ man, you scared me. I've been trying to get a hold of you since this morning! Hey, good job with the hit last night, but I got bad news, there are now contracts for your ass. I stopped by this morning, but Jolie said you were still asleep. I handed her a key to give to you. It goes to a locker #534 in the downtown train station. Grab the bag inside and get the hell out of town before you end up dead."
"Right." So much for that bright and shiny future I hoped to have. I closed my cell phone and started to get my things together. Jolie came back shortly after with the key in her hand. "What's this for anyway?" She asked. I told her everything that Vinnie said, including my hunch that what's inside the bag is come comfort cash and my share of the profits of working for Vinnie. Jolie nodded, and asked for one last round of "fun" since she said she wouldn't be seeing me for a long while. I'm not going to turn down a good meal, if you know what I mean. A couple hours had passed, and I was exhausted. Jolie was lying on my chest again, I can feel her heartbeat.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled into my left ear.
"What?" I asked, then I heard a click. It was the gun I leave hidden in a notch between the mattress and the wall. I could feel the silencer I leave on it pressing against my temple as I stared at the beautiful brown eyes that I feel in love with so many years ago. I knew it was my gun because I could feel the grooves along the end of the barrel from all years of use.
"I'm sorry." She repeated.
"I'm sorry too." I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning.

Gotta love these trippy dreams, no?
Anyways, i think i've spent long enough writing this. Oh, the names I made up, cuz i dream in black & white/shadows. No real defined shapes or persons, just memories of actions and events. I'd love to see what a shrink has to say about me, but I'd rather not hear it.

And with that I end this with a quote from Kevin Bacon:
"Any idiot that's famous can get laid, that's easy. It's getting laid when you aren't famous that takes talent."

I bid you adieu.
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