1.What does your LJ nickname mean?
Came from a conversation of "which anime character are you like the most?" I got labeled Keiichi Morisato from Ah! Megami-sama! (Oh My Goddess) Part of it applies, part of it doesn't. I'm not as skilled with mechanics as he is portrayed in the manga. Afterwards, i just tagged my b-day on it. Been using it as my AIM name for years.
2. Elaborate on your icon photo?
The one I mostly use is a cutout from a online comic strip, Megatokyo. I read it for a while, but i've long since dropped out of the habit of reading it. The character in question, is Boo, a conscience, like Jiminy Cricket, but a hamster. At one point, he gears up for a rescue mission, and that is how he looks in his suit. Cute, kind and loveable, but willing to kick ass when absolutely necessary.
The other one, the white puppy was cut from a picture I found sorting thru my picture folders, it was too cute to pass up.
3. Did you lie about your age anywhere on the net?
On the net, no. On the phone to a navy recruiter, yes.
4. How many LJ friends do you have?
Somewhere around 10, at most 12.
5. What is your current status?
Taken, spoken for, claimed, etc etc. Committed to my long time gf
chiquitadeqeso for almost 6 1/2 years now.
6. What are you wearing right now?
The white with grey sleeves nike thermal-like shirt that my mom gave me a while back along with a pair of black cargo pants.
7. What kind of people do you hate most?
Hands down, stupid ignorant people. Overly Lazy people place 2nd. Annoying brats take 3rd.
8. What type of people do you like most?
People with common sense, good head on their shoulders, etc etc. Non-ignorant people.
9. What makes you happy?
Peace and quiet. Hanging out with friends some good quality time together, joking, gaming, relaxing.
10. Are you musically inclined?
I can play the piano. I can recreate tunes after i hear it a few times, but only in whistling form. As a stretch, I'm getting better at DDR. Earlier this week, I had a 150+ combo on Dynamite Rave (Light) before I lost my balance, so I at least have a sense of rhythm until i start thinking.
11. What would you do if you woke up one morning and found out that the person you love most didn't exist or was killed?
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side. Prolly follow the investigation then go vigilante, batman-style and kick some serious ass. Then spend the rest of my life in a mental institution for being mentally unstable due to psychological trauma.
12. If you could go back in time and change ONE thing, what would you do?
I'd go back and give my younger self a boot to the head and tell myself to quit chasing white girls and focus on your writing. Focus on it, perfect our writing style, it may have taken us farther and avoided any embarassment, like trying to create a play based on Final Fantasy characters in 6th grade.
13. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what will you be?
A huskie. A big fluffy huskie. A big Tadakichi-san-man-of-character-size huskie and carry small children around. I think it'd be fun. I'm weird like that.
14. Ever had a near death experience?
Almost drowned a few of times. Twice at a pool, one at a beach. At the beach, i slipped and fell face first into the sand and the tide started to pull me out. Luckily, I managed to find some solid sand to pull myself up. One time at the pool, i lost my grip trying to hang out with my friends during a boy scout trip in the deep end. The 2nd time, I was trying to float again at a friend's pool and my went head first into the water, and i panicked.
15. Name ONE obvious personality quality you have.
My very short temper. It has frightened small children in my bad days.
16. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
My head is empty right now. The shouting of the stupid people outside.
17. Are you happy today?
Mentally, not really. I'm haunted by strange dreams. Physically, hard to sleep. But I had a nice dinner, and I bought myself manga. So i guess i'm happy right now.
18. Who will cut and paste this first?
From this page? Who knows. Very few come by to see what i have to say anymore.