welcome to my world

Oct 10, 2003 21:34

whatever, there's only so much we can blame on the hsc. i mean, do we really think it's all going to get easier after this? Sure, lets go to uni and do more work get a job and then get fired and then get another job and then get married and then have kids and realise you need a better job that pays even more so you get a better job and hate it but by this time you are stuck in it because you have to 'put food on the table' blah blah blah
well i dont want any part of it.
everyone is in such shit moods all the time and its all cause of stress.
are we serious?
do we even know what stress is.
if we cant make it here then how are we going to make it in the 'real world'?
what is the 'real world' anyway?
i wanna live in my own world
thats it
i'm going to buy an island, and its going to be called....
i dunno i'll think about it later, but there will be bouncers and you can only come onto my island if you have nice shoes.
thats not the real world, thats what you are thinking right? your thinking, oh kate, dont be such an immature materialistic (latin values) shithead.
but why cant that be reality if i want it to be?
why cant i live in france or spain or chile or south africa or hollywood if i want to?
why is it that when we are young we have all these fantastic dreams that we forget about.
i used to want to be a fireman too you know
then a doctor then a lawyer
then a fashion designer
which one is better??????
depends which way you look at it.
why do ppl think less of me when they find out i dont want to go to uni? dont say its not true cause i know it is...
why when i say i wanna be a fashion designer or a make up artist or a stylist or an image consultant do they secretly wish i would grow up and think about getting a 'real job'?
why is law 99.whatever? are lawyers really smarter than hairdressers or are they just better at pretending to be?
and why is it that so many ppl are miserable in the jobs they are in? maybe they are stuck in it cause they have to provide for their families. maybe they are just too scared to try and achieve their dreams because they think, oh no, what if i fail, then i'll look like a dickhead.
i think that everyday. i think maybe i should just go to uni, and get a job in an office that will be 9-5 everyday and bore me to death but at least i'll know where my next meal is coming from. at least i'll have that security.
i never want to feel trapped. i never want to feel like i have to do something because if i dont everyone will be dissapointed in me.
who cares what ppl think?
i do
we all do
everyone does, and ppl who say they dont are just in denial.
i care that when those results come that i am going to be dissapointed in myself. i'm scared. but why should i be?
why after 13 years do we place so much emphasis on the result and hardly any on the journey??????????
i've had a brilliant time the last 6 years and no matter how well or crap i do in the hsc, thats not going to change. ultimately i'm going to look back and remember you guys and all the fun things that happened, i'm not going to remember what uai i got.
but i am going to remember how dissapointed everyone else was in me. i'm going to remember the look on my parents face when i show them my results, and tell them i'm not not not going to uni, and tell them i'm moving out. i'm going to remember the comments that ppl will make about how i could have done so well if i worked to my 'full potential' or if i just did some bloody work once in a while.
well i dont want to be the girl at the reunion who had all these plans for life, and all these great things she wanted to do and places she wanted to go, and didn't do any of them cause she was too scared.
by the way, i'm not knocking ppl who actually do want to be lawyers ar work in an office etc, i think thats fine, but it is just not for me. i try to tell myself that it is but it just isn't.
so many ppl say "reach for the stars" "you can do whatever you want to" etc etc.
how many of them do you think actually mean it?
fuck it...
i'm sick of being scared, i'm sick of dreaming about what i could do with my life, and then telling myself that it isn't possible.
i've decided that anything is possible, and if i want to be a fireman then i will be a fireman, and if i want to travel the world then i'm going to do it, and if i wanna be a movie star then i will be. so anyone that thinks that i'm being a loser or i'm not being realistic can piss off...
every single one of us, yes, this means YOU, can do whatever the hell you want to.
Who cares what marks we get really. when we look back in ten years we are going to have some absolutely amazing stories to tell, and i bet you that what mark we get in the hsc wont even get a mention.
so from now on i dont want anyone to worry about marks or think that they are not good enough. cause you are. all of you are brilliant, and no matter what happens in the next couple of months, i know that we will all be successful, happy, and married to hot rich foreign guys....
after all, anything is possible!!!!!!! hehe
ok, if you are still reading this by now i am pretty impressed and you really do deserve a medal!
i'm not sorry for blabbing on for that long, cause i needed to. If i bored you then you'll know better next time!! haha
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