Time to update about Chicago!

Apr 06, 2009 11:27

Well, needless to say, Chicago was AMAZING. I have already updated photos on my face book but for my parents I will also upload some here.

In the end I really didn't take that many pictures. Not as many as I wanted to. But when I was touring the school I didn't want to be that tourist kid taking pictures the whole time. Haha.

The school is really phenomenal. The amount of classes I am open to take is mind blowing as is all the tools I will have access to 24-7. Yes, the campus is open all the time. Rad.
I plan on never leaving the animation and digital media floor. Our tour guide even said that the kids on this floor never lave, and I thought, oh man, this is going to be my life for the next couple of years.

They don't have a grade system, so yea, no greades. It is kind of a pass-fail system. I really like it, because when you get out looking for a job as an artist, people are not going to care if you got an A in painting, they want to see your work. And at this school you really get out what you put in. Which I think is awesome.

The don't have majors. YES. I have access to all the tools in any of the buildings if I want. I really like that they understand that artists don't always do just one thing. I want to animate, of course, paint and take a toy making class. I couldn't do all of that at another school! Don't get me wrong, I don't want to spread myself to thin, but I want to learn as much as possible and get all that I can out of this school for what I will be paying.

So those are some of the perks of this school that really draw me to it. I cannot wait to start classes. I am worried about money of course, but I know I can make it work. I applied for Merit money and I should know by the end of this week how much, if anything I get. Keep your fingers crossed! I also have o send out my FAFSA today. Woooo. It is all filled out, but I have to figure out some legal stuff with an adviser first to see if I need my parents tax info or not. I really would rather be seen as in independent, I would get more money, but apparently you are not an independent until you are 23. GAY.

Other than that I am just crazy busy. I am trying to get a second job to save extra money before we move and pay my school down payment. Fun. I haven't had time for painting since I got back, but I hope I can make some time soon.

Also, I turned 22. Yikes. Where the hell does the time go?

I also might be in AZ soon to see Brian's film festival he is helping his school put on. I really hope my friends don't flake out on me, as they have been tending to do lately.
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