Jul 10, 2009 00:21
So I'm finally getting an Xbox360. YAY!(I'm so far behind and old school shaddup.)Ya I have to buy my own systems, I want em, I pay em.So why am I getting an Xbox, well I recently got into a game called Army of Two(YAY OLD NEWS AGAIN NAT) but I also found out there's a second one coming out soon too, so play the first get the second later(3 strikes I'm out I kow)
So I'm heading out with my Boyfriend to drag races and Yea not much, I basically just added this entry so Livejournal would stop mocking me of my last entry(23 weeks ago)
I haven;t been updating this much because I get writters block BADLY and my mom's 3 months anniversary of her deceasment is approaching, so yeah I admit I ain;t in the mood to be blogging, I lookit at it and I say I'm gunna write this crap and I never end up, ti'l today.
SO I leave this here and ttyl peeps.