So... I told myself I wouldn't buy any more dolls this year because I've already doubled my doll count within the past 10 months and I need to slooow dooown.
;_; But then DoD releases this and is all 'LIMITED TIME OH HAI 8D!' and generally DoD's 'limited' is pretty limited. This head is fantastic for Luke's younger (and more snarky and demonic) brother, Dante. During the event my friend is also going to order a Lahoo to be Kedo, Luke's boyfriend/lover/soulmate Angel dude. 8B It's been a long time in the making; we've wanted dolls of Kedo and Luke for years now.
I'll be getting the head on a DoI body. I'm pretty excited. >3< Dante's even more cranky than Luke is. I'm sensing epic photoshoots.