This set is from when I ran off during the doll meet last Sunday. The Indianapolis Museum of Art has gorgeous gardens, as well as an old house with this gorgeous pillared walk-way. I hope I can go back to the IMA and take more pictures once Winter's new outfit is complete; I just love it there. <3
When I was going through these photos I actually made a photostory. x_x Yea yea, me and photostories haven't been getting along for quite some time now, but every now and then some idea hits me and I run with it. Still not sure if I like this one or not, but that's okay. I posted the photostory over on DoA again. I've been posting more of my photos to DoA recently, just for the heck of it.
Here's the entirety of the shoot, which I still like a bit better~ I also have some random ones of Winter from the meet too. He looks entirely too good with flowers. ^^';
I still don't have my flight for NY Dolpa yet. :< I've been procrastinating on that. I'm actually kind of nervous for it; I'm going alone and I'm paranoid that a bout of shyness will kick in and I'll be alone all weekend. Urgh. I don't have a place to stay yet, either. x__x' I'd rather find someone to take me in on Friday and Saturday night at the Gershwin, but if I have to I'll get my own room and try to find roommates. I hope everything goes okay...