How are you LJ.. New Decade

Dec 04, 2017 04:12

    I don't want my LJ to die... I am now on my "new Decade" . So many things happened in the past 1 year.
Many unexpected ,unplanned ,I had fun but not all are fun.

My LJ friends are no longer active T-T. I missed reading their posts. Many unknown things are about to happen. I hope
I'll be able to survive with a bang!. Tonight is FULL MOON in DECEMBER. Just got home from grocery and once again I overspend and now I'm broke XD. Tommorrow, Pierre is gonna start a new life in Japan. Pierre taught and challenged me to try , break and do crazy things.
I don't think our unusual friendship will last. It's just an online friendship, Also,there are many "temporary people " that keep on coming and go..

There's so many things in my mind...btw.. I met lots of people that I've never thought I'll meet in person this year. ex. Alexander Lee.

new decade, 0.3
