Apr 28, 2008 17:17
My brother is mote mote = JPN = popular with the girls = suspicious sister
I didn't think I'd get so aggressive towards my brother's girlfriends... Lol. Grrrr!
Some lovely friends I know are off to JET and it makes me enormously happy to know they are! My friends around me are also getting their awesome job offers, going to grad school, going to med school, going abroad, or going to a biotech company! To think today of all days my own good news would surprise me so pleasantly. I am just so happy that I get to go with two of my friends into the work force (if you can call it that?). I am going to make this another wonderful year and try my 200% to making those kids happy and enjoying English!!!
I really want this world to be more global and people to take part in the great joys and the great troubles of going abroad. If people could understand these things involving culture shock and tolerance I hope people will become more open minded and less self-centered. My hopes are high and maybe I'm just writing this out of my own high, but I honestly am so glad I did study abroad because it has helped me decide on this surprising decision and opportunity. So thankful! Really really so thankful! Everything and everyone has helped encouraged me (or made me angry and therefore increased my drive) and support me! I really wanted this position and now that it has come true I hope to make this another wonderful year!
Hope, joy, happiness, love, peace, tranquility, patience, tolerance, excitement, eagerness, optimism... so man positive emotions!!! I feel like a hippy so I'm spouting happy words for all!!! :D
Dear roomies:
Let's work hard and play hard in our remaining month together. :)
Until my next post! Be it angsty or happy! JINSEI WA SUBARASHIII!!!!!
jet application