An Interesting Addiction -- Orginal

Jan 18, 2008 17:11

Title: An Interesting Addiction
Fandom: Original
Prompt: 78 -- Emancipation
Warnings: A bit crack-y.
Rating: G
Summary: It’s a slow slide into slavery.
A/N: I believe I was fought on this one every step of the way and my muse went on a really weird direction with this prompt. But after a couple false starts I got it in the end. For the tamingthemuse prompt 78 -- Emancipation. Oh and if you want to know more about Tourette’s.


It’s a bit interesting how people get addicted to some of the weirdest things. You never really thought about it until it happened to you. This addiction that you are suffering from isn’t something that happened right away. Oh no, the addiction is a slow thing that eats you up, starting form the brain. Nipping slowly at reason and logic until your addiction makes since with the way that life works. That little voice in your head that says things like: “It’s alright.” “Of course you need to take time out; you’re brain fry if you didn’t take a break from all this work.” And “It’ll only take a couple of minutes.” It’s a slow slide into slavery. Tricking you into thinking that you have control when you really don’t. Actually that’s not true you do have control, it just doesn't make sense anymore to do anything else but follow that little voice that tell you do it again and again and again. Soon you find yourself putting aside work you should be doing for one more game of Tetris.

It infects every part of your life. Even your crazy dreams, which never made sense anyway, are affected by this new and invasive addiction. Your dreamscape changes from a weird mix of pointy eared people (not necessarily elves), talking homicidal lobsters and the dragons who eat the homicidal lobsters, into a 2-D world where blocks fall from the sky and some how using the power of the crystals your supposed to move the blocks into building a new world were the blocky homicidal lobsters can not reach you. (Even with your addiction in full swing you can never escape the homicidal lobster dreams of your childhood.)

You find yourself thinking that Tetris should be a disease actually. It sounds like a disease. Tetris, it's like Tourette’s only not. Instead of being unable to control your mouth and insulting everyone and the mother (quite possibly at the same time), you are unable to control your body from trying to move in ways that control falling objects and you can't help it if you have to stay in front of a screen all day or you'd go mad. Yeah it doesn't really make sense in your mind but it's not like your logic hasn't been screwy for a while now. If it was a disease you could then say to your professor, “Sorry Professor, I couldn't get my paper done because I was suffering from a bout of Tetris." and the professor would be all sympathetic and give you an extra month or so to complete your three page paper because Tetris no laughing matter. You don't just get over things like that.

Pretty soon it’s clear this has to stop. Your life can not revolve around this game. So you pull up grown-up-pants and do it even though it hurts. You block the websites that have the game and you take it off your computer. But none off that is a painful as taking off your calculator. (Now you’re actually going to have to pay attention in class.) You feel the need to quickly break down those barriers between you and The Game but you can’t you know you can’t not if you want your normal life back again. Life must go on.

One day you will be free of this. Of course by then you'll be addicted to Sudoku. (But that is not the point.)

The End




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