Title: The Beautiful Ones
Pairing: Baekhyun/Chanyeol, Tao/Kris, friendship!Baekhyun/Tao
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,130
Summary: But make-up only covers and hides the imperfections. When it gets wiped off, they're still there.
based from the artwork:
The Beautiful Ones by
minumtehtarikoriginally posted at
http://sncj-reversebb.livejournal.com/ (
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Comments 6
I'd really appreciate your permission :)
im sorry though, im not having the fics translated right now. T.T
but thanks again.
thank you for replying me anyway XD the 3rd reply I've got since I started translating a few months ago :))
Please keep on writing more beautiful stories, kay? ;))
Glad there's you *hugs*
very unusual personalities for the protagonists but it was refreshing and interesting. all the relationships between the people was rather subtle, and this was the best part tbh :3
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