"It's songs like this (and furniture brands like Ikea) that make us think everything from Sweden is adorable and fragile. Loney, Dear, like close companions Peter Bjorn and John, have a symmetrical attention to detail that makes each song crisp, but just a little hard to touch.
So tiny and delicate you could carry it in cupped hands, "I Am John" is a sweet introduction to Loney, Dear and their upcoming Sub Pop debut, Loney, Noir. Everything is on the quiet: brushed drumbeats, glockenspiel tings, just a touch of farty, under-the-table bass. "Johnny and I we got lost tonight/ We got carried away," sings Loney, Dear's Emil Svanängen, a man who sounds as if he's never gotten carried away a night in his life (or has a friend named Johnny). But "I Am John" develops stronger legs three-quarters of the way through, when Svanängen piles on layers and layers of voices, until a mini-chorus backs the opening line into believability."
Loney, Noir - I am John