I was somewhat slow to realize that this thing called "fan fiction" even existed. I was even slower to start writing my own. Well, sort of. Truth be told, I dictated all sorts of stories of my favorite shows into a tape recorder as a kid. None of them were very good, but they sure were fun.
But I digress. I haven't been writing fan fiction as long as some. I've always enjoyed writing in any form, but fan fiction is definitely a new-ish genre for me.
But apparently it doesn't take long for it to completely take over your brain.
In real life, I'm a mom with two kids. Between Netflix and You Tube, they have been discovering the cartoons of my childhood: G.I. Joe. She-Ra. He-Man. The original My Little Pony. And so on.
I'm in the process of trying to write a new Daniel/Vala story. It's slow going...because I keep getting these completely random plot bunnies for cartoons! From the 80s!
The first time it happened, I laughed at myself, quickly pounded out the story, and went on with life.
The second time, I alternated between laughing and scowling.
And if I'm honest, I'm a bit embarrassed. I mean, what grown woman gets "inspired" to write fan fic stories for old cartoons? They aren't bad, really, but it seems a bit silly.
And it's taking up brain cells that I really want to devote to D/V. And to the Scarecrow and Mrs. King story I've been trying to finish for a couple of years now.
I know muses are fickle things, and you can't really dictate or even predict what they'll throw at you. But I hereby request of my own muse that further inspiration be for my current fandoms--not ones I had as a kid. Is that really so much to ask?