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The Cross Bite Blues
Feb 28, 2008 11:43
Head's up:
Comic artist Rachel Nabors of
Subculture of One
is holding a donation drive to pay for a costly orthognathic surgery to save her teeth.
It's not about how my teeth look to other people. I like my body and don't give a toot what you think about my teeth. It's about the pain I feel when I talk for longer than five minutes at conventions. It's the popping in my jaw I get when eating baby carrots. It's the thinning bones that will cause my teeth to fall out. I could care less about how it looks. I care about how it feels, and right now, it hurts. And it will only get worse. And if I don't act very soon, my jaws bones will thin to the point where braces will be very risky and I may not be able to have the procedure done at all.
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