knap (np)
tr.v. knapped, knap·ping, knaps
1. To break or chip (stone) with sharp blows, as in shaping flint or obsidian into tools.
2. Chiefly British
a. To strike sharply; rap.
b. To snap at or bite.
Chipped is a synonym, but as in most cases, it is also not the same thing.
I can't mail this out until I decide what I'm going to do with the first bloody sentence, and I'm at an impasse. I should probably change it, since I managed to find the one word in my vocabulary that strikes me as basic (but nobody else knows). But to what?
The acid sea is black like knapped obsidian.
I clearly need to learn how to write well enough that I magically do not have to edit, because I hate editing, a lot.
In better news, I finished writing an issue of Moralicide last night. Came up with some lines that made me cringe. You know, the sorts of things that just make you go "why is that in my head? That shouldn't be in my head. I shouldn't be able to think things like tha- ew."
It looks like they're actually going to start building next door, now. The problem here is that my car is on the other side of the actual property line. There would, theoretically, possibly, be enough room for two cars in the remaining space. However, the guy who is living downstairs can't park for shit and requires two car widths just to get his freaking car in.