So, it was my job to distract the birthday girl while the others waiting at Pizza Hut ordered the food. I'm not very good at coming up with excuses at the last moment...or making fake telephone calls. XD
And then Michelle had to run off early to do her Anthropology essay...;_;
How'd that go by the way, Cherry? (I hope the monkeys were kind to you)XP
Bunny wore the bunny ears all the way to Yaoyi's house for cake...they were soft.
Yaoyi, Me and her cake. Notice
jisuk's pins in my hat? TwT And how delightfully pink both Yaoyi and her cake are...<3
Ha, I think deprivation of chocolate has kicked me off the deep end.
I'd never done Lent before, though I grew up a Christian (I don't go to church). This year I am abstaining from consuming anything that is chocolate or is chocolatey and from playing video games. >.>;;
Although some of the things my friends are abstaining from are much harder than the ones that I've chosen. XP
I also can't seem to draw properly. :/
Sometimes, my hand will go into brief tremors or it's like I've forgotten how to do a simple pose I've done before. Losing the ability to draw even for a moment is the worst fear and thing that can happen to someone aiming for a life in the Arts and Animation fields; or to someone who needs to do a simple comic for Anime North. *fume* I hope this unlucky streak ends soon.
Victoria and Michelle will beta the fantasy fiction (illustrated novel to be) I am currently a part of. Thank you guys. ;w;
*I might be able to go to Hong Kong in June. T__T Pleeease Dad!