Jan 28, 2007 22:20
This is the quote on my wallpaper and it is from Song of Solomon chapter 2, verse 2. I look at it for inspiration.
So what happened was I asked my grandparents to take me to the bookstore a few weeks ago and we ended up going the LifeWay, a Christian bookstore. I was thinking more along of the lines of B&N. So while I was at LifeWay, I decided to look around. I found myself wandering straight to the "romance" section (of course!!!) I saw a book called Authentic Beauty, by Leslie Ludy and immediately picked it up. It's about living a set apart life. It's about giving yourself (myself) to Jesus Christ first and foremost. Letting Him mold my heart and myself, creating an inner sanctuary for Him, and living my life for Him. By letting Christ mold my heart, by letting him be my Prince He's preparing my heart for my earthly knight in shining armor. The one earthly man who will understand me the most and the best and completely.
It's a very deep book. I can only read a couple of pages to a chapter a day because there's so much to take in and reflect on. It's a good book though and I feel like I can relate to it. It's very daunting though. There's so much about my life that I need to change in order to really be the woman that God wants me to be. I accepted him into my heart through baptism when I was 16 and I've always loved Him and I consider myself an okay Christian. Not a good one, by far. That's what I'm striving to change!
On the romantic front, Authentic Beauty is really helping me to realize everything that I've known about myself as far as doing things to get a guys attention. I've just been getting the wrong guy's attention. I need His attention first or rather I need to give Him my attention. I think He wants me to know for absolute certainty that there is only ONE guy for me (if that's His plan for me) because He only wants me to give my heart away twice...to Him and to him. By truly appreciating Him, I can truly appreciate him and have the most AWESOME love story ever. Even better than all the romance novels that I've read.
So that's I've been acting different, if I have been. I wanted to explain it all because I've been keeping it in and I for sure know that's not good for me!
I saw Mike Sparrow today for the first time since October and he looks tons better. I keep praying for him because I don't ever want to see him fall that low again. Mr. Sparrow said that God answered his most pressing prayer and he doesn't feel like he's really been as appreciative of it as he could be. I think he's underestimating himself but his family has come through their crisis on the up and I really pray that they keep on moving up.
My almost last Circle K convention is coming up and I'm extremely excited about it. Most of it is because I have a hand in organizing it and I'm really excited to see who will succeed me. The other part of it is because I'm excited to see one of the guys who's on the District Board with me. His name's Cory and he goes to Coastal Georgia Community College. He looks like a preppy college guy from the 80s with his shaggy, wavy dirty blond hair. His eyes are dark brown and very piercing and he's got a goofy sense of humor. However he's a really nice guy and he's very interested in service. We had a District Board meeting last Saturday and until Cory showed up, I was anxiously waiting for him to come. Very typical of me, I know! Then when he did show, we played the "staring game" as I like to call it. You know where you and that guy casually and "secretly" cast glances at each other but (at least in my case) don't get around to really talking to each other. I got super excited when I found out that he and I get to be emcees together for District Convention. I totally did a little dance on the inside. That was really exciting for me. He gave me a hug before he left, which was nice too! Now I'm trying to bring myself around to reason. Friendship before anything else. I would like to get to know Cory first...well knowing me, that shouldn't be too hard, right??!!! I don't think so this time as a matter of fact. However, we shall wait and see. I do know that I will not pursue a guy. The knight in shining armor plays the pursuer.
Besides I've got my relationship with my Prince to look forward to. And with that relationship, I can do all things!!!
I would love some encouragement!!!
Love to you all!!!