I REALLY AM NOT DEAD YET!!! ^______________^ (And I'm Graduated! And Have A Job!)

Mar 08, 2011 19:24


I got a rose at my graduation ceremony!

A month ago, we had our graduation ceremony (yeah, so long ago, I know, and I still didn't come around to posting about it until now... v-v" Life is really busy these days!)
I'm still walking on clouds whenever I think about finally having finished, though. And I had a proper graduation ceremony for once! With standing on a stage and having my name called and then accepting my diploma, a rose and a handshake! (Which were, btw, all handed out by one of the professors who I was closest to during my time at university, which made me really happy.) Which makes the whole event a far more formal affair than any graduation ceremony I've ever had.

Sadly, most of my family couldn't attend because they had to work, but my father was there and he invited me to dinner afterwards, which was nice. ^-^ Unfortunately, his camera didn't work properly, so there are no photos of me, apart from the official photo, which hopefully will be uploaded to the university's website sometime soon. Ah, well, I took a photo of my rose (picture above) at least!

The reason why I'm posting this so late is that through some lucky coincidence, I started a job about three days after that ceremony. XD Which I'm really happy about as well, though it has left me with just as little time to spend on the internet as my exam period, which I'm not that happy about. :(

The school's very interesting - it's a specialized school for children with learning difficulties and difficulties in their emotional and social behaviour (yeah, Germany has specialized schools for those kids... the German school system is still very segregating for children who're different, sadly) and it's located in one of the "worst" parts of our city ("worst" in the sense that it's the "poor" area with a lot of unemployment, very high rate of immigrants who don't speak German, quite a lot of social problems, etc). It's very demanding - most of our students have huge problems with acceptable social behaviour, so you've got to have a thick skin and a pretty authoritarian attitude to get any kind of cooperation from them (I'm OK with the first part, but still struggling with the second), but the colleagues are great and I do enjoy teaching, as difficult as it can be.

But now spring break has begun, and like the good teacher I am, I immediately got sick, right on the last day of school, so I'll have a little more time on the internet. ^^" (I've practically never been sick during the school year, not even as a student - I always got sick as soon as the holidays started. v-v") Especially since I also managed to injure myself during the first week at the school: I ruptured some muscle fibers in my right leg, am currently hopping around on crutches and I'm supposed to rest my leg a bit in this week.
(Before a friend of mine moves in with us next week... but that's a tale for another post, since this one has already gotten far too long!=

I am alive and happy, though! &hearts

But that's enough about me - how are you all doing?
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