Fic: Secret Missions or Outlaw Stories from Another View

Dec 05, 2011 22:28

Title: Secret Missions, or: Outlaw Stories from Another View
Author: kegel84
Word Count: Prologue 1021 words
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, no warnings
Characters/Pairings: all the s1/s2 main characters, two "OCs" ;-), Robin/Marian, Will/Djaq/Allan
Summary: The sheriff is trying to find spies, Allan is playing both sides, and the question is whom one can trust at all.
Disclaimer: I don't own Robin Hood BBC.


The castle has more secret passages than they really know about.

I have known about this one for long.

Today I'm here again because I'm pursuing, yes, yes, I'm pursuing, I'm running, then I following silently, slowly, step by step, then I'm running again because I almost got it, yes, yes, meow. Almost. I know it will not get away. I will wait. I'm patient. I will wait here and watch.

The day is over, the sun away, so it's just the best time of all times. Not much light from the lit parts of the castle reaches the place here, but I do not need much. I can see it. I can see them.

I can see him- He's important here. They always look to him, listen to him. They do so again now, I can see them from where I am hiding in the dark. They never see me, but I see them. They are there in the large, almost dark room. I much prefer the narrow places, places where I can hide and where I can pursue quietly.

I wonder why they are meeting now. He, whom they call the sheriff, probably wanted it. I wonder for I know that they can see badly at night. But maybe that is the reason. Or maybe he, the sheriff, just prefers the time of night.

Assembled around him are some of them who I see very often here, when I pursue in the narrow passages of the castle. They never see me. They do not live in the castle like I do, but they come here every day. They often stand around, waiting and watching. I often do the same. I am doing it now. I'm waiting. It will come, yes, yes. I think they want to catch something, too.

He is talking now. I will listen, for I am waiting, and I am patient.

“This is secret. So secret that if anyone of you even thinks about telling anyone that this exists, that there is even anything secret that exists, you will not live to regret that thought. At least not for very long.”

No one else says anything. They are apparently very impressed.

He lifts his arms. “You are in my service. But not only that: you are in a secret service. You will find out traitors. You will help bring them and the outlaws they abet to justice.”

He smiles. The smile is a little scary, I think. Not that I am scared of anything, really. There, there, there it is, yes! Mau, here I go, I run, I jump, I catch. Well, almost. I follow, I follow...

The voices of them are far away now. I will pursue, and I will be successful. I wonder if they will be successful, too. He demands it. But it is secret. Why is it secret? Everyone knows he wants to catch them, the outlaws, and most of all, one of them he calls Hood.

I follow my own prey.



I was here first.

I had a drey here already, up in the trees, when they came. I was carrying twigs for my second drey, they were carrying logs for their first. They don't call it a drey, they call it camp. My drey is hidden up in the trees, theirs is down there between them. I sometimes met them down there when I was getting moss to line my place. They made a lot of things for their camp. It was quite elaborate.

In autumn, I hid my seeds and nuts. It's my storage for the winter. I dig a little hole in the ground, I put the nut in there, I fill it up. Dig a hole, nut in there, fill it up. Dig a hole, nut in there, fill it up. Dig a hole, nut in there, fill it up. Many times.

They brought food, too, but they didn't put it into the ground. They had places for it in their camp. They had a storage for the winter, too. It was good, for sometimes it makes me a little nervous when they are talking. I can hear them when I'm up in the trees above them. So I listen when they laugh and say that they are eating squirrel. They don't. They first would have to catch me, but they can't. I hope.

They often sit there together, in their drey, camp.

Now they're there again, but it's not all of them. One of them is just coming back, I can see him from where I'm sitting, hidden up in the trees. Allan.

“Listen to me. Listen. We are not just six outlaws in the forest.” Robin's talking.

Well, actually they are six... whatever he means. Well, they are six now that Allan's coming back. He's getting into their camp. I can see him.

“We are the spirit of England, and that is Robin Hood. And that, lads... that is this country’s only hope.”

Now they're all in there.

“We are Robin Hood! Come on.” John.

Allan doesn't look good today. I wonder what happened.

“’Ey up, lads.”

Djaq seems to wonder, too. “What happened to you?”

Good question.

“Oh... tricked one punter too many.”

Whatever that means.

“Oh, I could have told you.” Of course Much could. This one's talking a lot. I know that. I often listen to him. Good thing is, he doesn't cook squirrel.

“We are Robin Hood.”

I've known that before.

“What?” Allan's confused. No surprise. The way he looks, he probably got one over the head.

“Just say it,” Much insists.

Yes, say it.

“We are Robin Hood!”

They all say it. It sounds a little odd. But oh, now I see it. Allan brought a little purse with him. But he doesn't show it to the others. Well, I never show my seeds to the others either.

Every squirrel for his own, that's my motto. But the way they make this sound, it's not supposed to be every outlaw for his own, is it?

End of Prologue

fic: secret missions, fic

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