(no subject)

Nov 16, 2007 02:11

I'm frustrated cos I don't want to spend hours on the computer getting a sore neck and stopping myself from getting other stuff done, at the same time as I DO want to exchange communications with peoples and stuff. At the same time as I want to be finished and go away, I also want more interesting stuff to appear on the screen for me to read. I guess I'm seeking some kind of return which I am not getting. Ah well. Maybe if I check more often so that going through the backlog doesn't feel like a chore...

Should magic be free or expensive?

Myself and a customer were discussing the greatest unsolveable problem of life, but now I can't remember what it was. Not too important cos we didn't solve it! I don't think it was the one about not wanting to get out of bed but then having to rush to get ready for work, and I don't think it was the one where you can't decide if you want to spend your day off doing nothing and relaxing or doing all the stuff that you want to do, and ending up being tired when it's time to go back to work. So which one was it?

I dreamt last night that I noticed it was lightly snowing outside and I was so excited! I ran out in bare feet and I was catching the big snowflakes between my palms and I'd see them for an instant before they melted. I was so happy I was squealing and jumping around. It was really cool. I was yet again living at the country house from when I was a child, I keep dreaming that I go back to this house and live there with my family when we're all grown up and everything is happy. I seem to have an obsession with this house. I think because it was a part of my childhood where I don't remember wanting to run away. But I do remember wanting to kill my stepfather (I wasn't even 10 years old yet!) I kept thinking that if he was asleep on the lounge and I took the big kitchen knife it should be pretty easy to slit his throat. I couldn't think of an easier way to do it. I'm guessing that isn't normal for children to be thinking these things? He wasn't a nice person. I spent a lot of time trying to invoke opposite magic and trying to make him not be there when I got home from school. Sometimes it worked. I also remember lying in bed wishing a lot that a giant sledgehammer would descend on my head cos it was the only way I could think of my horrendous ear ache to go away. A few years ago a doctor looked in my left ear and asked if I had an ear infection when I was a kid, cos I have bad scarring in there. Then I remembered the whole giant sledgehammer thing and it seemed to have a connection. I'm sure my mother never noticed that I was in pain, so I wouldn't have received a doctor's appt or medication. Hmmm now I'm wondering why I dream such positive associations!
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