So, the DCnU is out. I thought this would be a good time to get into comics again. Who knows, maybe they've stopped massacring Titans left right and centre, brought back some of the decent female characters and stopped being so grimdark, right? I was planning on buying Static Shock, Red Hood and the Outsiders, and Blue Beetle in addition to my usual Titans and Batman stuff. Even when I found out that Ted doesn't exist in the new universe, I thought the rest of it was good.
Except no.
Donna Troy doesn't exist, it seems half of the other Titans are wiped from history, and the people who remain are twisted beyond recognition. Babs is Batgirl again and not Oracle, meaning Steph and Cass are gone. The primary word used to describe Catwoman - a complicated, excellent character - is "sexy". Judd Winick said the word 50 times once in an interview about her comic (something he seemed rather proud of). Harley Quinn is wearing a godawful corset thing masquerading as a costume. Amanda Waller is now young and thin. Starfire is more animal than person and has no emotional regard for living things. Roy has his arm but not his daughter.
At least two of the new DCU have sex scenes in them. I hear word there’s more. Word to the wise, guys. If this is the first issue, sex is not necessary. Really it’s not. We’re interested in seeing how the characters have changed from the ones before, not how well they shag. That’s what fanworks are for. If your first issue features sex prominently for no good reason, I’m going to assume that you couldn’t be arsed to write a decent plotline and decided to shove in a sex scene instead.
These are not the characters I know and love. If DC wants more money, they may want to consider not ruining perfectly good characters every other year, not reducing the female characters to their sex appeal and writing decent stories, instead of relying on gore and shock to bring in the rent. Something must be done.
It’s time to let go. DC is not what it was. Let it die in peace, before it gets any worse.