Yeah, finally got around to doing this.
Complaints, G, gen
The TGWTGfic archives are not happy with Delicious.
Toon Titans
Alike, PG, Robin/Beast Boy
Not that many people realise that they're alike.
Not So Different, PG, Robin/Beast Boy
Honestly, they're not all that different. Counterpart to Alike, BB's pov.
1sentence Challenge, Table Gamma, R overall, Robin/Beast Boy
50 sentences, ranging from cuteness to angst, and everything in between.
1sentence Challenge, Table Alpha, PG, Robin/Beast Boy
Second verse, same as the first!
Star Trek
Warning: May Contain Side Affects, PG-13, gen (written for
st_xi_kink )
The mind meld makes Jim subconsciously want to get closer to Spock. Hijinks ensue.
District 9
Strange Paths, PG-13, implied Wikus/Christopher
Where you think life will take you and where you actually end up are two completely different things.
Wild West!AU, G, gen (meme response for
donella )
Dan doesn't like the look of the man passing through.
A Cuckoo in America, G, gen (meme response for
donella )
Adrian's first day at school.
Not Happening, R, Ozymandias/Rorschach (meme response for
flwrpwr_vampyre )
Rorschach is trying to pretend this isn't happening.
She's Not a Mary Sue, Honest, R, Mary Sue/Rorschach (co-written with
flwrpwr_vampyre )
All Rorschach needs is the right woman.
According to Plan, R, Ozymandias/Rorschach (co-written with
flwrpwr_vampyre )
Rorschach thinks Ozymandias looks pretty.
Oh You Pretty Things, R/NC-17, Ozymandias/David Bowie (co-written with
flwrpwr_vampyre )
Adrian inspires people, and gets thanked for it.
Minotaur, PG, gen
Critic's room is acting up.
Getting His Way, PG-13, Spoony/Critic (meme response for
emeriin )
Spoony really wants another chance to ride the pony... Dubcon.
Having Fun, R, Spoony/Critic (meme response for
nombrehetomado )
Spoony has an idea. Critic is confused.
A Friend in Need, PG-13, Chick/Nella (meme response for
emeriin )
Life sucks. But at least she has a friend. Part of
emeriin 's Hooker!verse, set pre-club.
Memory in the Raw, PG, Chick/Nella
Another one of those nights. Part of
emeriin 's Hooker!verse.
Here There is No Change, PG-13, Critic/ATG (meme response for
emeriin )
He's been here for weeks.
The Battle of Fourchan, an excerpt from the Gospel of the Treehouse, G, gen
In the beginning, there was Youtube. Also contains the Ten Commandments!
Sunburn With Freezer Burn, PG, gen
90s Kid really gets on Insano's nerves.
Get Your Freak On, R overall, Gatecleaner/Beekeeper, Mechakara/Insano, Ninja Style Dancer/Spoonette, SWS!Spoony/90s Kid
Four pairings, four kinks, four drabbles.
Experimentation, PG-13, gen
It started with cloning Spoony.
The Snow King, G, gen
The Snow Queen with TGWTG!
Forgiveness, PG-13, Spoony/Critic (meme response for
emeriin )
They've both done things that need forgiving.
Foe Yay, G, Linkara/Film Brain (meme response for
timidfox )
Linkara and Film Brain play Doctor Who.
Could Be a Little More Sonic, PG-13, Linkara/Film Brain (meme response for
timidfox )
Film Brain really loves that screwdriver.
glow like a moon shining up from the sky, G, Linkara/Film Brain (meme response for
timidfox )
Insano is jealous. Linkara is speechless. Film Brain is. Not. Happy.
Revenge, R, Mechakara/Linkara (kinkmeme response)
Mechakara's waited years for this. Dubcon and autoerotic asphyxiation.
Sharing is Caring, R, Spoony/Critic/Nerd (meme response for
emeriin )
Spoony and Nerd take Critic in hand.
Red, R, Spoony/Scarlett (meme response for
taekarado )
There's kissing. With blood involved.
the towers reach higher against the sky, G, Todd/Lupa (meme response for
freya_sacksen )
Lupa loses a bet.
will never know what is meant, G, Insano/Nurse (meme response for
nombrehetomado )
Sometimes there are things that are more important than science.
Regrets, NC-17, Spoony/Critic (meme response for
emeriin )
Critic might have been a bit hasty. Trigger warnings for rape and use of the rape is love trope.
Have Yourselves a Merry Little Christmas, PG, Spoony/Scarlett, Linkara/Liz
Christmas at the Spoony household. Written for
robynred for Secret Santa Christ.
Madhouse!AU: (not all written by me)
Go Amongst Mad People, NC-17, gen (kinkmeme response)
Spoony was commited on the 8th of May. Scarlett visits him every week. Be warned, strong horror themes and gore.
And How Do You Know That You're Mad, PG, gen
Patients past, present and future. A look into the land of Backstory.
The Sounds Take Care of Themselves, PG, Nurse!Chick/Nella (kinkmeme response)
Nella needs distracting.
Can't Go Back to Yesterday (I Was a Different Person Then), NC-17, Nurse!Chick/Todd
Chick performs a surgery on one of her patients. Strong horror and gore.
Because I'm Not Myself, PG, Nurse!Chick/Chick (kinkmeme response)
Nurse Chick takes a break from tending her boys to tend someone very close to her heart. Crossover with canon.
Untitled, PG-13, Critic/ATG (kinkmeme response, written by anonymous)
Electricity makes everything better! Pre-Go Amongst Mad People.
inevitability writhes in dance with death, PG, gen (meme response for
nombrehetomado )
Guy Lynor isn't like the other patients.
bleed out the vestiges of the day, PG-13, Nurse!Chick/Nella (meme response for
emeriin )
Nella is having trouble sleeping. Chick tries to help.
see my pain and tear me down, PG, ATG/Insano (meme response for
emeriin )
They feed on madness, after all. Who else is the equivalent of a free buffet?
say that i'm the shadow, R, ATG/Critic/Nurse!Chick (meme response for
emeriin )
Sometimes it can take a while for the patient to adjust to parenthood.
the darkness embraces that which it owns, PG, gen (meme response for
freya_sacksen )
It's hard for Critic at first.
And the Three's a Crowd 'verse: (again, not all written by me)
Not Quite Right, PG, Insano/Linkara, unrequited Linkara/Spoony
Linkara knew what he was doing was wrong.
Guilt and Forgiveness, R, Linkara/Insano (written by
nochi_san )
Linkara does something unforgiveable. Insano forgives him anyway.
Vengeance, G, gen (written by
nochi_san )
Stubborness runs in the family. Follows the divergent timeline where Forgiveness never happened.
Woebegone, G, gen
It's impossible to be mad at the pink blob. Set during Vengeance.
Them's The Rules, PG-13, Linkara/Insano
The rules are pretty much all that's holding everything together.
Pride, PG-13, Linkara/Insano (written by
nochi_san )
There were things he could never say. Companion to Them's the Rules, and a bit to Guilt and Forgiveness.
Pretending, R, Linkara/Insano (written by
aunt_zelda )
Insano reminds Linkara just who he's dealing with.
At the Bottom of a Bottle, PG, unrequited Spoony/Linkara
Linkara regrets telling. Technically the beginning of the 'verse.
Giving Back, R, Linkara/Insano (written by
nochi_san )
The world's gone mad, and Linkara is giving for once.
Graduation Day, G, gen
He was one step closer to reaching his goal. Divergent timeline.
Better, PG, Insano/Linkara (written by
nochi_san )
In order to fix something, you have to realise what was broken in the first place. The end of the first arc, I do believe. :)
Ask Your Doctor, PG, Insano/Linkara (written by
nochi_san )
Insano can't sleep and decides to fix it with SCIENCE.