So the weekend was pretty good! I was glad to be done with that stressful formal lab for Chem, but thanks to all the people who helped me with that son of a gun, I really do appreciate it. Esp. good old Vera! Danke little fiddle. Friday I went to Carolyn's birthday bowling bash which was really fun! I have to say I was in my bowling prime that night. Knocking down pins right and left like a mad man. Me and Clara showed off some of our Hip Hop moves for the whole bowling alley, which made people thirsty for more, but sorry kiddos, you'll just have to wait until the recital. I finally met those YG bizzoys and now my life is complete. :-) Happy Birthday tomorrow Carolyn, I love you! Saturday I drove on the FREEWAY! I really didn't like it to tell you the truth, it was peer pressure to the maximum. Cars were just shooting past me like bullets and staring me down like I was a slow little turtle, well EXCUSE ME for obeying the law you fugitives. I drove to our cottage, but it was pretty boring because it was like chore central. It never ends. Sunday we went to my Aunt Sue's for Mother's Day and had a brunch ordeal. That was pretty cool, I enjoy spending some quality time with the relatives now and again. After my Aunt Sue's we drove to my grandma's new condo to quote "scope it out", and then we went to my Great-Grandma England's apartment thing to wish her a happy mother's day. Sheesh, I'm telling you it was family bonding time up the wazoo! Today was okay, just the same ol', same ol' Monday! Dance 1 was all practice, practice, practice that freaking Mr. Postman dance, good God. Can't wait until that's over. I'm not sure if this whole SUSHI thing will happen, but if it does I think Jill Fleck may just have to be in tow because I'm too scared to go alone. Aiight, I best be getting ready for Hip Hop. Lauren A. Elster, I hope you're having fun at the Piston's game, but player, please! Your priorities in life should be: 1) Arnie 2) Hip Hop 3) Kate Smith 4) apple sause 5) "I Got You Babe" by Sonny & Cher 6) cherished photos of Kate Smith AND THEN 7) THE PISTONS
Over and out!