Went to the Post Office with Daisy, and saw another dog that we know form the other end of town. Tied Daisy up so I could be helpful and catch Sonny (the other dog).
Sonny runs right past Daisy, and she takes off in pursuit. Hits the end of her leash and *pop* goes her chain collar. Guess we need a heavier duty one...
So then they take off, and I eventually corner them. Daisy is way more interested in running and playing with Sonny, so I end up carrying her all the way home. Not fun, my arms were already killing me from bad reactions to my allergy shots yesterday.
Get her home, with Sonny following, put her in the fenced yard. Lure Sonny close to the fence because he wants to go in and play, and despite my best efforts she gets out instead of him getting in.
Now they're both off again, they tear down the alley, and after following them for a block or two I lose them. So I go back for my car.
End up at the other end of town where Sonny lives, he came home, but no Daisy.
Come home, and she's in the neighbor's yard eating the bread that's out for the birds.
And for those who haven't seen the newer pictures...