Mar 05, 2008 16:12
So science fair was today...I thought I was done forever two weeks ago, but no. I got a 94 on my presentation, which I was happy about, considering I flunked a chemistry test (set a new record for lowest test score...28...go me D:), therefore, I'm failing chemistry. Anyway, I thought I heard Mrs. Reed say "If you have a blue star on your paper you're being judged" and that if you got a 95 or higher you were being judged. I had a red star on my paper and I got a 94, so I thought I wasn't being judged.
When Mrs. Navickas was reading off everyone's judging times today in homeroom I heard her tell me that I was at 10:15. "What!?" I say. "I didn't know I was being judged!" I was not in any way ready for this. I left my petri dishes and the like at home. I figured I didn't need them because I "wasn't being judged." At least I had pictures on my display board. I didn't get selected to go on to ACSI, but I really don't care anymore. Just glad I'm done forever! ^____________^