I've mentioned in a few conversations now that I found Heroes misogynist to the point where I couldn't enjoy what had had potential to be a good TV show.
donnaustin actually noticed it before me (possibly because he is far more widely read than me in comics in general and the superhero genre in particular), and mentioned the "
Women in Refrigerators"
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wimp convict looses his kid repeatidly
yupo there are race issues here allright
Zane Taylor -- Sylar's victim. Dead in episode of introduction.
died to motivate sylar into going nuclear
Telekinetic -- Only shown in flashback, so I don't even know that I should count him. The first of Sylar's victims, so he's dead.
died to motivate sylar into going nuclear
Invisible man -- Cool power. Interesting minor character. Survivor. Compare to Claire's biological mother. He ends up helping Peter instead of just grabbing money and running.
evil anti-hero with sordid past Zach -- Minor character. Claire's friend. Mindwiped, but not dead.
weak willed and useless exists only for claire to feel sorry for
Mr. Deveraux -- Don't know what his power was yet. Died a natural death at the end of a long life, and seems to have power or foresight to influence from beyond the grave to some extent.
died from disease that alex wouldnt/didnt fix
he was only about 55 i dont call that a long life he was really only there to motivate peter
Hiro's father -- Minor and Enigmatic as of yet.
sulu with a sord its been 30 years and hes still sweating.
but it'll do for now
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