Opinions on theatre. I have them.

Apr 20, 2013 21:08

I have another theatre review blog post up if you're interested:  Mrs. Warren's Profession!

I also have a couple still in draft from plays I saw weeks and weeks ago and got preliminary thoughts written down but was too busy writing grant application and marking essays to finish writing up.  I should get back to those, because King Lear was awesome, and so was Krapp's Last Tape (and I had the unique experience of not wanting to move enough to dislodge the banana peel that got thrown on my foot).  :)  (Why is it that the Shakespeare play I really didn't like when I read it is the one I've been so lucky to see outstanding productions of?)

Something that I didn't mention in the review:  The play was good enough that I forgot my back hurt for two hours.  And that's really saying something, considering that the seats in the Gate are not what you'd call comfortable seats.  (And I say this while having very strong opinions about the set design and what the director shouldn't have done.)
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