(no subject)

Nov 09, 2004 23:18

UGGH!!! Guys are so STUPID and ANNOYING, yet Oh! so irresistible. Recently I've been going on quiet a few dates w/ Jeremy, he kissed me, and he poured out his feelings onto to me on Saturday from 3-6 a.m. Apparently from what he told me on Saturday he likes me ALOT. Supposedly I'm really down to earth and he's met a lot of girls in El Paso but none like me. He says I'm really laid back and real, which he likes, yet I still manage to make him nervous and tense. He even wants to take things further and be more than friends. Yet he says if I'm not ready he won't be mad and he'll wait. Yet, I don't know if I want ANYTHING serious with any MALE right now, I mean I just got out of an almost marriage! Although at the same time I do like the attention and the comfort he brings forth. He's funny, compassionate, nice, a sweetheart, somewhat tall, handsome, and with interests common to mine. Yet, he also has flaws I've gotten to see this early in the game. He's NON-assertive, clingy, and unreliable at times. I want to take things slow. Fortunately I'm not at the level that he's in. While I can go without talking to him or even thinking about him, he's constantly calling or text messaging me. I'm just afraid of getting attached in the long run, because I want to finally move away without anything keeping me back.

In other news, I went out dancing with my friend again, it was so much fun. The bartender now knows us, his name is Jesse, which I'm unsure if it is good or not. I met this German guy named Ronny which was a great dancer but also a PIG; he tried kissing me the whole night until I finally got so annoyed I had to find myself another dancing partner. So the night was great, we had clean fun, with memories left behind.

Regarding to school, my grades are finally back on top =) I just recently passed a test today with only one question wrong and I'm jumping with GOOD grades.
In my Jazz class there's this white boy who's had an eye on me for a while and I on him and things have been pretty weird. Today while in class, he wouldn't stop turning around to look at me, even my friend Liz noticed how obvious it was. So its well known that there's an attraction between us, but we both act stupid. He's even been showing up to class everyday now. Well anyway to get to the point, we always park in the same area, meaning we have to walk the same way, same distance. So today when class ended he headed out and well I right behind him, he turned around saw me and slowed down, I was going to talk to him but I chicken out (what's up w/ that? lately I don't shy away to anything), so instead I walked right past him....What's up w/ Me?! "OH, who cares,there's always next time (thursday), right?.....so that's that...

So nothing interesting has really happened, only stupid gushy stuff which are unimportant and make no sense...Oh, I miss talking to ya Koracin, did you disappear from the earth or what?.....so that's all for right now, YA'LL take care and smile, God is watching out for you....taw taw...

*Now ya'll I have something for ya'll to ponder upon,something which really hit me close to home
Would you rather live a fulfilled year of happiness, or a life time of emptiness?....Its simply destiny, sometimes its just not meant to be....
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