5 Words Meme

Jun 25, 2009 20:44

isiscolo was kind enough to give me these 5 words: vidding, darkfic, remixing, podfic, Asperger's. Here's my take on what they mean to me.

I love vidding. I hate vidding. You see, there's the vids I create in my head, and then there's the ones that make it out into reality, which are just never quite what I wanted. There's all these technical hurdles, things I can't make work, and it's just incredibly time-consuming. I get an ecstatic leap of excitement when I create a new vid, usually followed by this thump back to Earth when it disappoints me. I've thrown my creative energies into vidding for the past few months, and will have 3 vids premiering at the Vividcon convention in August. Life, Moonlight, and Supernatural. Man, I can't wait to show them to you all!

*purrs* Darkfic. I really, really like walking the darkside with characters. Something about people confronting their darkest instincts really appeals to me. My take on characters is generally darker than most authors, I think. I've sent Joe Dawson to war, had Ray Kowalski lose himself undercover, and written dubcon Ray/Ray. I love reading it, too. Highlander Gathering fic. SGA AU wherein Atlantis was a prison before the inmates took over. I've got this SPN post-apocalyptic Evil!Sam habit going right now that's reaching embarrassing proportions. Make no mistake, though - I'm not in it for the bad guys. It's the search for love and redemption in even the darkest of circumstances that really brings me to the table.

First off, let me say this loud and clear - if you ever get an itch to remix one of my fics? DO IT. No time limits, no caveats - just do it. You don't have to ask permission in advance. I'd be honored to have any of my work serve as inspiration for another author. Stories get better as they pass from one mind, one hand, to another. Worst case scenario, and someone writes a remix I really dislike, that is totally OOC, and makes a mockery of my original story? Ummm ... I guess I won't read it more than once? Really, where's the bad?

I understand on an intellectual level that people are concerned about this, and I respect their boundaries and fandom etiquette. But I don't get it, on an emotional level. Fanfic is all based off the pros, and I am deeply grateful to them for the inspiration they've given me. Why not pass it forwards?

I create podfic sometimes. I enjoy the voice acting, unless it's porn, in which case it's simultaneously embarrassing and hysterically funny. It's kind of a pain in the ass, because my apartment building is right by a freeway, in the middle of a city, and it is NEVER quiet. Also, I'm kind of a perfectionist about it. I have a hard time listening to and appreciating other people's podfic. Audio processing without any accompanying visuals takes a huge amount of concentration. I avoid talking on the phone when possible, because of it. My brain does a much better job of making movies out of text. But those of you who create them, I salute you! Oh, and if anyone else wants to podfic anything I wrote, please feel free.

Hi, I've got Asperger's Syndrome! That's on the autism spectrum, for anyone who was wondering. I figured this out in my 30's, after a childhood of being viewed as deeply eccentric. Boils down to difficulties with social interaction, extreme focus on things which may not interest other people, sensory issues, and some atypical language development. I've got my peculiarities. The only way I understand people is by very carefully observing their behavior over a period of time, and then building models of them in my head that might explain those behaviors. If new behaviors come along that my model doesn't predict, I change the model. It's a huge advantage when it comes to writing, since I've already populated my brain with semi-fictional characters. This, BTW, is why I don't mess with RPS. I have weak boundaries between reality and imagination as is, and need to shore them up as strong as possible.

I spent my pre-teen years trying to figure out the rules about what's polite, friendly, expected, etc, so I could fake normal when I needed or wanted to. I'm pretty good at it now. Just know, if I do something really rude or annoying? It wasn't intentional. Please let me know, so I don't make the same mistake again. And don't worry about offending me - it's almost impossible. See the upside?

This is also why I am NOT offering to give anybody else 5 words for this meme. It'd be like asking a blind woman to describe your appearance in 5 words.
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