Hurray for More Joy Day!

Jul 03, 2008 13:54

I got a Polar Bear, and some kind person paid for me to get a year's paid account! Woohoo! No more shall I wince at uneditable comments! I can make polls! I can get lots of userpics! HURRAY!

Now, to spread the joy, here are some Farscape vids that make me very, very happy.

Moving Right Along by sdwolfpup is Farscape as a John and Dargo buddy flick, set to a Muppets song. I defy you to watch this without laughing out loud. You may even sing along. I do!

In No Sleep Tonight by HumansRSuperior, Chiana wants John and she isn't afraid to show it. Farscape can be a part of your daily balanced diet of porn! Who knew?

Scorpy Went Down to Georgia by Dallascaper is a truly unique retelling of the conflict between John and Scorpius.

Sharp Dressed Man by jagwriter78, because John Creighton + black leather = eye candy. The Burbank edition is slightly fuzzy, but comes with emoticons! It's so hard to choose between them!

Stars by Leviathan gives me goosebumps every time I watch it. Moira's crew goes through hell, but they always have each other.
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