dS Match Fic: Into a Far Country

Nov 17, 2007 12:17

Fandom, Pairing: due South, F/K
Team: Angst
Prompt: "I don't know why you're so upset."
Length: 9000 words
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The characters and concepts of due South belong to Alliance/Atlantis. I'm just playing in their sandbox.
Author's Notes: Thanks to my betas secretlybronte and nos4a2no9, and to isicolo for the last-minute assist.
Summary: It was like the streets had swallowed Fraser up without leaving a ripple.

The dS match fic have been revealed!
( Into a Far Country ) is mine!

This was actually fairly painless to write. I started off with what I called plot bunny triplets. All three stories started the same way: with a bloodied Dief throwing himself at Ray's door, and Fraser's clothes abandoned in an alleyway. I knew Fraser would disappear. I just wasn't sure who was responsible.

I went to Team Angst and laid out the three options for them to consider.
A) Victoria might be responsible.
B) Frankie Zuko had Fraser snatched.
C) Something spooky had happened, the dark side of magical realism.

All three options got some votes, but I decided that option C would let me write something pretty unique, so I grabbed it and ran. Options A and B ended up as red herrings in the story. In case you're wondering, no, I don't know what the shadow thing is. After writing it I contemplated several options; I rather like the idea that it might be a Jungian shadow, some aspect of Fraser's psyche, but I'm not at all sure that's the case.

The relationship side of the story is my Scroogeish rejection of the fanon that Fraser doesn't do casual sex, and the trope that hot sex heals all. This Fraser is a Fraser with some serious issues.

About half-way through my first draft, I realized that my A story and B story were actually the same story. Fraser disappeared emotionally months ago after that first kiss. His physical disappearance in that alleyway is just a natural consequence. And Ray's quest to find him can hopefully lead to a resolution of both.

Anything you want to know? Just ask!

I'm working on putting together a recs post, but it's hard. Looking at that Master List of DS Match stories, I'm like, "This one. Definitely that one. Oh, and that one, I almost forgot about that. But wait, the that other one is great too!" There are some amazing stories to read there, folks, check them out if you haven't already!

due south, fic

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