Fandom, Characters: Due South; Diefenbaker, Fraser, RayK, Stella, Dead!Bob, and a cat
Rating: PG-13 for occasional bad language, innuendo, and mature themes.
Disclaimer: Alliance/Atlantis owns these characters. I'm just playing in their sandbox.
Format 2 zipped MP3s, each about 9 minutes and 6megs in length
Dedicated to: The fabulous
slidellra, she of the sordid, cool, and dangerous dinner.
You have two podfics to choose from:
4 Snippets Up, is a collection of fun, comic, and cheerful snippets:
The Thrill of the Hunt,
Burning Down the Locker Room,
The Return of Nautilus, and
The Case of the Missing Stetson.
4 Snippets Down is its dark mirror, for the angst-fans. This collection includes
Photographic Memory,
Bright Shiny Penny, and
Outside the Tent.