Fever Dream [G] Sherlock drabble

Jul 29, 2012 01:12

Title: Fever Dream
Character: John Watson
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Spoilers/Warnings: Post The Reichenbach Fall, angst.
Disclaimer: These characters belong to the BBC, Moffat, and possibly ACD.
Author's Notes: Written for the watsons-woes JWP #13 prompt: illness. Un-beta'd, so please feel free to give critical feedback!
Summary: I knew that they dwelt in my fancy only, and that I was sad, and left, and lonely - Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton, 'The Fever-Dream'

It had been an eighteen month-long fever dream. 555 days in which John Watson had escaped from real life into a London of rooftop chases and arch-enemies.

A world where anything was possible. Where a brilliant madman solved murders at a glance, an old pair of trainers contained the mysteries of life and death, and a broken-down ex-army doctor could be brave, and loyal, and good enough save his best friend’s life.

Only, none of it was real. John wasn’t good enough to save him.

That’s the problem with fever dreams. Eventually, the fever breaks. And then you wake up.

sherlock, gen, drabble, john, fic

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