Gakked via, wow, everyone. I've got over 100 stories up on the Archive now. I've been steadily uploading them.
Life, stripped of all luxuries (2609 words) by
Chalion Saga - BujoldSlash Yuletide, baby! I'm really pleased with this one, so I'm delighted it's got both the most hits and the most comments.
Like Taking Candy from a Baby (267 words) by
Dresden Files - ButcherThis one, on the other hand, I whipped out as a fun little Yuletide Madness treat for someone in 10 minutes flat, and it's got over 700 hits?!? I feel like I need to spend more time and energy on my treats. I suppose Dresden files has turned into a big fandom?
O Drom si Baro (The Road is Long) (1576 words) by
SupernaturalI wrote this one for the Race-bending Challenge. Supernatural's a big fandom, and I think it's an awesome AU, so YAY!
Space Duty Sucks (1252 words) by
Babylon 5Another Yuletide fic. 42 comments with 465 hits, which seems to be an extraordinarily high ratio. I'm not sure why. Maybe the B5 fans are very enthusiastic? Or perhaps Garibaldi's just THAT much fun! Who knows?
Comsets and Conspiracies (697 words) by
Vorkosigan seriesMy first non-challenge-related entry. The Vorkosigan books seem vey popular, which could explain it.
Coyote, Spelled ‘T-R-O-U-B-L-E’ (2519 words) by
Mercy Thompson Series - Patricia BriggsThis year's Yuletide entry. A bit more obscure than the other book fandoms, but still fun! And, hey, it's good to get to use that werewolf tag!
Artistic Vision (150 words) by
Dresden Files (books)Another goofy little Dresden files snippet. Not even written for Yuletide. Is Dresden Files a big fandom, or just big on AO3?
to pierce the icy calm of the dead (100 words) by
World of WarcraftYes, boys and girls, it's a gen World of Warcraft Yuletide Madness drabble with a Rape/Non-Con warning! Which apparently brings all the readers to the yard. (Honestly - I posted a Rape/Non-Con Supernatural piece yesterday and it immediately got 8 hits. I think people are searching for it as an Enticement.) Computer games as fandom, very cool.
The Captain Always Loved a Good Rescue (573 words) by
The Wire,
FireflyOmar Little in SPACE! It's a fun Yuletide Madness treat. I think crossing it over with Firefly was kind of cheating. Someone recently contacted me and asked if they could write a follow-up story. Wouldn't that be AWESOME?
Safe House (3960 words) by
due SouthWell, that was a dark horse. Not sure how or why this one got so many (by my standards) hits. Maybe it was recc'd somewhere, and the person linked to it on AO3 instead of LJ? Or it could be that Rape/Non-Con warning again.