SPN drabble: "Saturday Morning" [G] John, Dean, and Sammy

Jun 04, 2010 18:11

Title: Saturday Morning
Rating: G, gen
Character: John, Dean, and Sammy
Length: 100 words
Spoilers: None
Summary: The boys always wake up early.
Author's Notes: Written for aerye, my fearless beta, in celebration of her nativity.
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Kripke.

“ - but Edmund’s the bad guy,” Sammy whined.

“Shhhhh, Dad’s sleeping.”

Sometime later, John’s youngest started bouncing on the bed. Sammy was wearing his coat, too big but warm.

“I’m taking him outside,” Dean apologized. He had his jacket and backpack on.

“We’re gonna find Narnia! See, I’m Lucy!” Sammy said, brandishing John’s flask.

Was the flask full of holy water, or whiskey? John looked at Dean.

“It’s just Hi-C,” Dean explained.

“Okay,” John yawned. “Don’t cross the tracks, and be back by noon.”

“Yessir,” his boys agreed, scampering for the door.

John turned over and drifted back to sleep.

gen, supernatural, drabble, fic

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