du är ånga

May 17, 2012 18:19

Du Är Ånga / A Thorki Mix of Scandinavian Music

With so many great Scandinavian artists and the origin of these characters as Norse gods, I wanted to make a mix that was true to their origin or close to it. All of these songs are in Swedish or Norwegian, with the exception of one Icelandic song (I tried so hard to find a good Danish song, but alas most Danes seem to perform in English. Although Finland is also part of Scandinavia, Finnish is in a different language group so I did not include it).

This mix encompasses the Thor universe and slightly delves into The Avengers as well.

  * Download the full mix here *  
Brev // Letter                                        Thor has so many things he wishes he could tell Loki, so many letters he writes        
Siri Nilsen                                              in his head...

Og jeg har ikke tid til hjertesorg,              And I don’t have time for heartbreak,
Den må du ta fra meg                             You have to take it away from me
For det banker to hjerter i meg nå            Because I have two hearts beating in me now
Det er så mye jeg vil fortelle deg              There is so much I would like to tell you
Så mange ting du ikke vet,                      So many things you don’t know
ubesvarte brev                                        Unanswered letters

Du Är Ånga // You Are Steam              Long ago, their dreams were one in the same.

Men när natten var ljus                          But when the night was light
I vårt sextiotalshus                                In our 60's style house
Så var vi långtlångtlångt härifrån             We were far far far away from here

I vår dröm om att fly                              In our dream of flying
Till någonting nytt                                 To something new

Håll Om Mig // Hold Me                     Brotherly admiration becomes something far less innocent.
Nanne Grönvall

Så håll om mig                                    So hold me
Släpp inte taget om mig                        Don't let me go
Är som förhäxad av dig                         It's like I'm bewitched by you
Och jag vill ha dig                                And I want you
Komm och håll om mig nu                   Come and hold me now

*Sjå Attende // Look Back                  At the crowning ceremony, Loki watches with jealousy from across the great hall
Gåte                                                  as Thor flirts with his female admirers.
Stat upp, stat upp, sjå attende                Stand up, stand up, look back
Høyr sylvstrengjin kå dom læt                   Hear the silverstrings, how they sound
Sjå ei hulder, som du brænne                  See a huldra, which you burn
Som tå lystna åt dæg græt                     Who weeps from the desire of you

*This is a song I imagine being played at a ceremony or party because it is Skaldic poetry. My Norwegian friend explained it as such: "Gåte is known for their rearranging of traditional Norwegian folk tunes and mixing it with metal and electronic music. And their vocalist, Gunnhild Sundli, sometimes sings what is called "kvad" in Norwegian. A kvad was a poetic language/song that a court poet, a "skald", used to sing/proclaim in the Viking Ages."

Elefanter // Elephants                        Loki reflects on the man he once called "Father."

I hela mitt liv har jag väntat                    All of my life I have waited
på någon som liknade dig                     For someone like you
hur kunde du lämna mig ensam            How could you leave me alone
i en värld som har blivit så hård             In a world that has become so harsh?
I hela mitt liv har jag längtat                  All of my life I have longed
lång, längre bort härifrån                       To be far, far away from here
Nu står du först på min lista                  Now you are first on my list
över folk som förtjänar ett                      Of people who deserve
öde värre än döden....                           A fate worse than death

Aldrig Aldrig // Never Ever              Thor can feel that Loki isn't dead, but he knows he's not coming back. 
Andreas Lundstedt

Du kommer aldrig mera hem              You're never coming home again
Du kommer aldrig mer tillbaks            You're never coming back again
Jag kommer aldrig aldrig hata dig          I will never ever hate you
mer än nu                                         More than now
Vi kommer aldrig mera älska              We're never going to love again
Vi kommer aldrig mera bråka              We're never going to fight again
Jag kommer aldrig aldrig sakna dig     I will never ever miss you 
mer än nu                                         More than now

Maestro                                           Loki mocks Thor's brute strength. 
Kaizers Orchestra

Sving din hammer!                              Swing your hammer!
Til din papa drar deg inn                      Until your daddy pulls you in
Trekk et romnummer                          Take a room number
Men ikkje bland din med min               But don't mix yours with mine
Sving din hammer!                              Swing your hammer!
Maestro                                             Maestro

Generation Ex                                The brothers recognize that neither is willing to compromise.

Säg nånting, säg nånting nu                Say something, say something now
Du vet att jag får panik av dina tårar      You know I get panicked by your tears
Gör nånting, gör nånting nu                  Do something, do something now
Förstör nånting, slå mig                       Destroy something, hit me
Förstör nåt                                          Destroy something
Jag överlever                                       I'll survive

Adelsten                                        "Of all the beings in this strange universe, you were chosen for me."
Du er ment for meg                          You are meant for me
I et dødt rom                                    In a dead space
Kysser jorden                                  Kissing the earth
Utenfor                                           Outside
Holder sin hånd over deg                  Holding his hand over you
Holder sin hånd over deg                  Holding his hand over you
I fred                                              In peace

Hoppípolla // Puddle-Jumping      Thor would give anything to return to that innocent time of their childhood, but alas...
Sigur Rós

Brosandi                                       Smiling
Hendumst í hringi                           Spinning round and round
Höldumst í hendur                          Holding hands    
Allur heimurinn óskýr                      The whole world a blur
nema þú stendur                             But you are standing

Stille Vann // Still Waters                       There are only so many words with which to coax someone away from their 
Siri Nilsen                                                ledge.

For jeg kan dekke over og jeg                      For I can cover things up and I
Kan lappe sammen og jeg                           Can patch things up and I
Kan plukke bier fra alt som er knust             Can pick up the pieces of everything that is broken
Men ingen kan redde en voksen mann          But nobody can save a grown man
Som vill forsvinne i stille vann                       Who wants to disappear in still waters

+ Comments are always appreciated
+ Full translations for any song are available upon request
+ Enjoy! :)

loki, music, fanmix, thorki, thor

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