Apr 03, 2006 14:16
this place is fucking killing me. im really hating this. im literally doing nothing, jack shit for the rest of the time. i only read 42 pages of crime and punishment the rest is all sparknotes baby. and i have to read the symposium for greek and roman. oh yes and in math THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY OF ME PASSING EVER. im soooo disappointed in myself. im so whiny. oh fuck. i have a $55 parking ticket to be paid by april 21. zach better get me a job as a telemarketer. hahaha how nice would that be me calling people all day? crazy.
i want a REAL date to prom not bigt. ugh... i dont want to settle anymore. he does turn 16 on the 11th though. whoop de fucking doo.
i hate it when people just whine on here so sorry everyone i just have nothing else to talk about.
i want to be around new people and i NEED to stop making myself so numb all the time, its like im not even there most of the time. im basically going through the motions till someone snaps me out of it.
but whos there to do that?